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Esprit T-shirt Design Competition

Hey everyone, a quick announcement! Our partners at Esprit are continuing our collaboration from the last three months with another creative project! They're doing a T-shirt design competition for the coming New Year.
Its open to anyone from any country. The winning designs will be produced and sold in stores in Hong Kong and Macau in January. Check it out:Design Year of the Tiger Tee! (Hong Kong, 23 November) – International lifestyle brand Esprit is launching a competition as part of their ‘Esprit Friends’ campaign to give eight local would-be designers the chance of a lifetime: their t-shirt designs will be brought to life with each winning entry being produced, marketed and sold in-store at Esprit’s across Hong Kong and Macau.  Competitors can visit www.espritfriends.com to upload and submit their completed designs. The theme for the competition is either to design a tee for the Year of the Tiger or choose to focus on the friendship between the 12 Chinese zodiac animals.  “This is about fostering local talent in communities Esprit has a presence in,” says Wolfram Hail, President Asia Pacific. “Anyone can enter this, designers, students, whoever – anyone who can create something interesting and relevant to the Hong Kong lifestyle scene!” The competition will run from November 23 to December 13. The winners will be announced December 18 and will win HK$5,000 Esprit gift cards each. The Esprit Friends campaign is unique to Hong Kong demonstrating the areas’ importance as a key to Esprit’s market growth in the region - “Esprit can trace its beginnings to 1968 when a couple got together with an idea for a new clothing brand. The company has built its success on the foundation of that love story and long-lasting friendship ever since and this remains interweaved through everything we do as an organization today,” explained Wolfram Hail. “We felt that now is a perfect time to extend the Esprit hand of friendship to the people of Hong Kong and show them how much they matter to us.” Competition details:Competition start date: 23 November

Competition close date: 13 December

Competition theme:  >a) Design Year of the Tiger Teeb) focus on the friendship between 12 zodiac animals For more details go to: alivenotdead.com/esprithk orwww.espritfriends.com | [if gte mso 9]> Normal/w:View 0/w:Zoom false/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid false/w:IgnoreMixedContent false/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText EN-US/w:LidThemeOther ZH-TW/w:LidThemeAsian X-NONE/w:LidThemeComplexScript /w:Compatibility MicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /m:mathPr/w:WordDocument <![endif][if gte mso 9]> /w:LatentStyles <![endif]


我們的合作夥伴Esprit繼續我們三個月前的合作,舉辦另一個創造性的項目!他們將在新年再次舉行T恤設計比賽。 是次比賽開放予任何地區的任何人士。得獎作品會在1月被印製在Esprit T 恤上在香港及澳門Esprit 店舖內公開發售,詳情:




 (Hong Kong, 23 November) –國際品牌Esprit延續‘Esprit Friends’活動,為八位未來設計師提供一次絕無僅有的比賽機會;他們的T恤設計將黁被印製在Esprit T 恤上在香港及澳門Esprit 店舖內公開發售。

參加者可瀏覽www.espritfriends.com 去填寫參加表格與及遞交其設計。是次設計大賽的主題為十二生肖之一的老虎或圍繞12生肖動物一起的故事。

「這是為了促進有Esprit存在的本地設計師的天分」,亞太總裁Wolfram Hail說。「任何人參與比賽的人,設計師,學生,任何能創造有趣的和與香港生活方式場面有關的人!」

比賽由11月23日到12月13日截止。結果將於2009年12月18日公佈。優勝者將日和贏取HK$5,000 Esprit禮卷。

比賽詳情:比賽開始日期:11月23日比賽截止日期:12月13日[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]



[if !supportLists]1)      [endif]十二生肖之一的老虎

[if !supportLists]2)      [endif]圍繞12生肖動物一起的故事。

詳情請瀏覽: alivenotdead.com/esprithk orwww.espritfriends.com



我们的合作伙伴Esprit继续我们三个月前的合作,举办另一个创造性的项目! 他们将在新年再次举行T恤设计比赛。是次比赛开放予任何地区的任何人士。得奖作品会在1月被印製在Esprit T恤上在香港及澳门Esprit店舖内公开发售,详情:


 (Hong Kong, 23 November) – 国际品牌Esprit延续‘Esprit Friends’活动,为八位未来设计师提供一次绝无仅有的比赛机会;他们的T恤设计将黁被印製在Esprit T恤上在香港及澳门Esprit店舖内公开发售。

参加者可浏览www.espritfriends.com 去填写参加表格与及递交其设计。是次设计大赛的主题为十二生肖之一的老虎或围绕12生肖动物一起的故事。

「这是为了促进有Esprit存在的本地设计师的天分」,亚太总裁Wolfram Hail说。 「任何人参与比赛的人,设计师,学生,任何能创造有趣的和与香港生活方式场面有关的人!」

比赛由11月23日到12月13日截止。结果将于2009年12月18日公佈。优胜者将日和赢取HK$5,000 Esprit礼卷。





1)      十二生肖之一的老虎

2)      围绕12生肖动物一起的故事。

详情请浏览: alivenotdead.com/esprithk  or www.espritfriends.comalivenotdead.com|
Hey everyone, a quick announcement! Our partners at Esprit are continuing our collaboration from the last three months with another creative project! They're doing a T-shirt design competition for the coming New Year.
Its open to anyone from any country. The winning designs will be produced and sold in stores in Hong Kong and Macau in January. Check it out:Design Year of the Tiger Tee! (Hong Kong, 23 November) – International lifestyle brand Esprit is launching a competition as part of their ‘Esprit Friends’ campaign to give eight local would-be designers the chance of a lifetime: their t-shirt designs will be brought to life with each winning entry being produced, marketed and sold in-store at Esprit’s across Hong Kong and Macau.  Competitors can visit www.espritfriends.com to upload and submit their completed designs. The theme for the competition is either to design a tee for the Year of the Tiger or choose to focus on the friendship between the 12 Chinese zodiac animals.  “This is about fostering local talent in communities Esprit has a presence in,” says Wolfram Hail, President Asia Pacific. “Anyone can enter this, designers, students, whoever – anyone who can create something interesting and relevant to the Hong Kong lifestyle scene!” The competition will run from November 23 to December 13. The winners will be announced December 18 and will win HK$5,000 Esprit gift cards each. The Esprit Friends campaign is unique to Hong Kong demonstrating the areas’ importance as a key to Esprit’s market growth in the region - “Esprit can trace its beginnings to 1968 when a couple got together with an idea for a new clothing brand. The company has built its success on the foundation of that love story and long-lasting friendship ever since and this remains interweaved through everything we do as an organization today,” explained Wolfram Hail. “We felt that now is a perfect time to extend the Esprit hand of friendship to the people of Hong Kong and show them how much they matter to us.” Competition details:Competition start date: 23 November

Competition close date: 13 December

Competition theme:  >a) Design Year of the Tiger Teeb) focus on the friendship between 12 zodiac animals For more details go to: alivenotdead.com/esprithk orwww.espritfriends.com

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
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moonchild - its open to people from anywhere. but i guess you'd have to come to HK to cash in your HK$5k prize if you win! ;-)
大约 15 年 ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006