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Events and Promotions|活動和推廣|活动和推广

the alivenotdead.com team is still in recovery mode from the Taipei edition of our 3rd Anniversary Party tour (pictures coming soon!). 

But in the meanwhile three important things to share:

1) Red Bull Music Academy HK launch party will be held at 10pm on Friday May 7th at the PLAY club in LKF.  Don't miss it,  should be a really cool event.  alivenotdead.com is a media sponsor!

For more info go to here:


2) The 3rd installment of "Dead Art Comes Alive" exhibition at the UFO Art Gallery is also launching on Friday night May 7th in Hong Kong.  Please go here for more info:


The featured artists this week are:

Sonya Fu - http://www.alivenotdead.com/sonyafuShann Larsson - http://www.alivenotdead.com/shannlarssonTanya Bennett - http://www.alivenotdead.com/tanyabennett

3) We are lucky enough to be working with Esprit Salon on promotional campaign that we wanted to bring to your attention. 

If you are living in Hong Kong you may have seen this in your alivenotdead.com email updates:

Pretty good deal exclusive for AnD members, please click for all the info!

What you may not have known is that the model featured in this ad is none other than alivenotdead.com official artist Lucia Tam - http://www.alivenotdead.com/luciatam

She has a photo album of the shoot here:

http://www.alivenotdead.com/luciatam/Esprite-Hair-Salon-Model-Job-backstage-profile-796753.html  Check out her page for more of her work!

And please support alivenotdead.com by supporting our sponsors!

                                                                    |                                   alivenotdead.com團隊還沒有從3周年派對台北之旅恢復過來(相片即將送上!)


1) 紅牛音樂學院香港啟動派對將於5月7日星期五晚上10時在蘭桂坊PLAY Club舉行。切勿錯過這個非常不錯的活動。alivenotdead.com是贊助媒體!



2) UFO Art Gallery的"Dead Art Comes Alive"展覽第3部亦將於5月7日星期五晚上在香港舉行。更多資訊請去:



Sonya Fu - http://www.alivenotdead.com/sonyafuShann Larsson - http://www.alivenotdead.com/shannlarssonTanya Bennett - http://www.alivenotdead.com/tanyabennett

3) 我們很幸運可以與Esprit Salon合作進行推廣活動。我們希望你關注。


AnD會員專享的特別優惠,請 點擊查看有關資訊!

你可能不知道,廣告中的模特兒正是alivenotdead.com的官方藝術家Lucia Tam - http://www.alivenotdead.com/luciatam


http://www.alivenotdead.com/luciatam/Esprite-Hair-Salon-Model-Job-backstage-profile-796753.html   前往她的空間了解更多她的工作!




1) 红牛音乐学院香港启动派对将于5月7日星期五晚上10时在兰桂坊PLAY Club举行。切勿错过这个非常不错的活动。alivenotdead.com是赞助媒体!



2) UFO Art Gallery的"Dead Art Comes Alive"展览第3部亦将于5月7日星期五晚上在香港举行。更多资讯请去:

http://www.alivenotdead.com/ufoartgallery/Dead-Art- Comes-Alive-event-944539.html


Sonya Fu - http://www.alivenotdead.com/sonyafuShann Larsson - http://www.alivenotdead.com/shannlarssonTanya Bennett - http://www.alivenotdead.com/tanyabennett

3) 我们很幸运可以与Esprit Salon合作进行推广活动。我们希望你关注。

如果你住在香港,你可能见过以下图片出现在你的 alivenotdead.com邮件更新::

AnD会员专享的特别优惠,请 点击查看有关资讯!

你可能不知道,广告中的模特儿正是alivenotdead.com的官方艺术家 Lucia Tam - [http://www.alivenotdead.com/luciatam< /a>

她的相册有关于这次的拍摄:](/luciatam)http://www.alivenotdead.com/luciatam/Esprite-Hair-Salon-Model-Job-backstage-profile-796753.html   前往她的空间了解更多她的工作!

亦请支持我们的赞助商,以支持 alivenotdead.com!

| the alivenotdead.com team is still in recovery mode from the Taipei edition of our 3rd Anniversary Party tour (pictures coming soon!). 

But in the meanwhile three important things to share:

1) Red Bull Music Academy HK launch party will be held at 10pm on Friday May 7th at the PLAY club in LKF.  Don't miss it,  should be a really cool event.  alivenotdead.com is a media sponsor!

For more info go to here:


2) The 3rd installment of "Dead Art Comes Alive" exhibition at the UFO Art Gallery is also launching on Friday night May 7th in Hong Kong.  Please go here for more info:


The featured artists this week are:

Sonya Fu - http://www.alivenotdead.com/sonyafuShann Larsson - http://www.alivenotdead.com/shannlarssonTanya Bennett - http://www.alivenotdead.com/tanyabennett

3) We are lucky enough to be working with Esprit Salon on promotional campaign that we wanted to bring to your attention. 

If you are living in Hong Kong you may have seen this in your alivenotdead.com email updates:

Pretty good deal exclusive for AnD members, please click for all the info!

What you may not have known is that the model featured in this ad is none other than alivenotdead.com official artist Lucia Tam - http://www.alivenotdead.com/luciatam

She has a photo album of the shoot here:

http://www.alivenotdead.com/luciatam/Esprite-Hair-Salon-Model-Job-backstage-profile-796753.html  Check out her page for more of her work!

And please support alivenotdead.com by supporting our sponsors!

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Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006