We have lots of new improvements to show you on Alive Not Dead. We've been working hard for the past month to add new features that will help keep the community fun and SAFE but also help you find and add new friends.
The NEW Find and Invite your friends feature First, we've overhauled the invitation feature so that it's now MUCH easier to find and invite new friends. Click here to try out the new feature.
Now, you can send this URL (circled in red above) to your friends and they'll automatically become friends with you on [alive not dead].
You can also use this tool to quickly and easy find all of your friends on Alive Not Dead. We can automatically collect email addresses from your Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo! mail accounts or you can upload or input a list of email addresses. This tool will quickly search our members database and allow you to add friends who are already on [alive not dead]. For those friends who aren't already on the site, you can select which friends you want to send an email invitation to.
Automatically find all of your friends and choose which friends you want to add or send invitations to. Be sure to try this tool out now and make your profile known to your friends. Alive Not Dead is more fun when your friends are involved.
As you add your friends and get your profile SEEN, you'll also want to make sure that you're profile is safe and secure. As a consequence, a top priority for us is to build feature that will help improve your privacy and security. We've launched the following new privacy options in your Member Settings page.
Now you can select who you want to allow to communicate with you. First, for private messaging, you can optionally select to only allow messages from your friends or from your 2nd-degree friends (i.e. your friends AND friends of your friends). Similarly, you can also choose to only allow guestbook and blog/photo comments from your friends or (for artists) your fans. Finally, since we want to facilitate open communication between artsits and their fans, we also provide you with an option to allow artists to comment on your profile. These privacy options are provided as a way to help you feel secure if you feel uncomfortable with allowing anyone to message or send you comments. Hopefully, these steps will help us continue to have a HEALTHY and OPEN community on Alive Not Dead.
In the coming weeks, we plan to launch many additional improvements including improvements to our blogging tool, a new section to allow you to find and search for other members, and new email subscrīptions to your profile and your feeds.
Have a happy summer!
-- Admin Bear wants to keep [alive not dead] safe and secure for all our family, young and old, to have fun
Alive Not Dead又有很多新改良!上個月我們努力工作,增加了好幾個新功能,讓我們的社區更加有趣和安全,也幫助你更容易查找和添加好友。
新的 查找/邀請好友功能 首先,我們修改了邀請功能,現在你可以很輕易查找並邀請好友。 點擊這裏試試用新功能邀請好友!
現在點擊下面(用紅色框住的)鏈接給你的朋友,他們能自動成為你在[alive not dead]的好友。
你還能用這個工具更快、更容易地查找在Alive Not Dead的所有好友。我們通過你提供的Hotmail,Gmail,Yahoo的郵箱帳號、或者你上載的郵箱列表、或者你手動輸入的郵箱地址讀取你的聯系人列表,然後快速搜索我們的會員數據庫,讓你添加已經在[alive not dead]註冊的朋友為好友。對那些還沒有在我們社區註冊的朋友,你可以給他們發送邀請郵件。
從導出的聯系人列表中選擇添加為好友或發送邀請郵件。 現在就去試試這個工具,讓大家都去看你的個性空間!有了眾多好友的加入,Alive Not Dead社區會更好玩。
添加眾多好友、空間被更多人看到,你當然希望個性空間絕對安全。所以我們的首要任務就是為你打造一個功能,可以保證你的空間私密而安全。 用戶設定頁面裏我們推出了以下新的隱私選項:
你可以選擇允許哪些好友聯絡你。首先,發送信息的權限,你可以只允許你的好友或2級好友(你的好友和好友的好友)給你發信息。同樣你也可以選擇只允許你的好友或粉絲(藝術家設置)給你留言或對你的blog或相冊發表評論。還有,為了推動藝術家和粉絲之間的互動交流,我們讓你設置允許哪些藝術家在你的空間發表評論。這些隱私選項保護了你的安全和私密,你可以不用因任何人都在你的空間留言或評論而感到不快了。希望這些設置能幫助我們保持Alive Not Dead社區一貫的健康和開放。
-- Admin Bear wants to keep [alive not dead] safe and secure for all our family, young and old, to have fun
Alive Not Dead又有很多新改良!上个月我们努力工作,增加了好几个新功能,让我们的社区更加有趣和安全,也帮助你更容易查找和添加好友。
新的 查找/邀请好友功能 首先,我们修改了邀请功能,现在你可以很轻易查找并邀请好友。 点击这里试试用新功能邀请好友!
现在点击下面(用红色框住的)链接给你的朋友,他们能自动成为你在[alive not dead]的好友。
你还能用这个工具更快、更容易地查找在Alive Not Dead的所有好友。我们通过你提供的Hotmail,Gmail,Yahoo的邮箱帐号、或者你上载的邮箱列表、或者你手动输入的邮箱地址读取你的联系人列表,然后快速搜索我们的会员数据库,让你添加已经在[alive not dead]注册的朋友为好友。对那些还没有在我们社区注册的朋友,你可以给他们发送邀请邮件。
从导出的联系人列表中选择添加为好友或发送邀请邮件。 现在就去试试这个工具,让大家都去看你的个性空间!有了众多好友的加入,Alive Not Dead社区会更好玩。
添加众多好友、空间被更多人看到,你当然希望个性空间绝对安全。所以我们的首要任务就是为你打造一个功能,可以保证你的空间私密而安全。 用户设定页面里我们推出了以下新的隐私选项:
你可以选择允许哪些好友联络你。首先,发送信息的权限,你可以只允许你的好友或2级好友(你的好友和好友的好友)给你发信息。同样你也可以选择只允许你的好友或粉丝(艺术家设置)给你留言或对你的blog或相册发表评论。还有,为了推动艺术家和粉丝之间的互动交流,我们让你设置允许哪些艺术家在你的空间发表评论。这些隐私选项保护了你的安全和私密,你可以不用因任何人都在你的空间留言或评论而感到不快了。希望这些设置能帮助我们保持Alive Not Dead社区一贯的健康和开放。
-- 小编熊仔为了大家庭的老老少少们,一定要让[alive not dead]更加安全、好玩
Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客