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Flame members can add special FX to their profiles|"火焰幫"成員能為自己的空間添加特別動畫效果|"火焰帮"成员能为自己的空间添加特别动画效果

Here's another way to make your alivenotdead profile special. You can add special FX and animation to your profile to make it sparkle and shine. This feature is available right now for all alivenotdead.com Flame Members and there are over thirty different animations to choose from.

BECOME A FLAME MEMBER NOW Here are some of the effects:

March is St. Patrick's Day, a celebration for all the lucky Irish people of the world so we're bringing you the "Luck of the Irish" profile theme that hopefully will bring you good luck!

Add frogs to the new March special profile theme, "Luck of the Irish"Celebrate New Years with fireworks and our "Year of the Ox" profile themeThis winter profile theme looks great with snowflakesBECOME A FLAME MEMBER NOW

Flame members gain access to special features, monthly contests, invitations to alivenotdead events and you help to support our community of artists. The Flame is currently available to members with an international credit card (Visa/MasterCard) or a Paypal account but we hope to make it available to everyone soon.

-- Admin Bear wishes everyone a happy St. Patrick's Day! |有新方法令你的 alivenotdead 空間更加與眾不同了。你可以為自己的空間選擇特別動畫效果,令它更加閃耀和動感。該功能僅對"火焰幫"成員有效,而我們現在已經有超過30種漂亮的動畫效果可供選擇。

現在就加入"火焰幫" 其中一些特效:



"火焰幫"成員能夠使用特別功能、參加月度抽獎、出席各類 alivenotdead 活動,還能支持我們的藝術家社區。購買成為"火焰幫"成員目前只針對擁有國際信用卡(Visa/MasterCard)或Paypal帳號的會員,我們希望很快能讓所有人都能買到。

-- 小編熊仔祝大家聖帕特裏克節快樂! |有新方法令你的 alivenotdead 空间更加与众不同了。你可以为自己的空间选择特别动画效果,令它更加闪耀和动感。该功能仅对"火焰帮"成员有效,而我们现在已经有超过30种漂亮的动画效果可供选择。

现在就加入"火焰帮" 其中一些特效:



"火焰帮"成员能够使用特别功能、参加月度抽奖、出席各类 alivenotdead 活动,还能支持我们的艺术家社区。购买成为"火焰帮"成员目前只针对拥有国际信用卡(Visa/MasterCard)或Paypal帐号的会员,我们希望很快能让所有人都能买到。

-- 小编熊仔祝大家圣帕特里克节快乐! |Here's another way to make your alivenotdead profile special. You can add special FX and animation to your profile to make it sparkle and shine. This feature is available right now for all alivenotdead.com Flame Members and there are over thirty different animations to choose from.

BECOME A FLAME MEMBER NOW Here are some of the effects:

March is St. Patrick's Day, a celebration for all the lucky Irish people of the world so we're bringing you the "Luck of the Irish" profile theme that hopefully will bring you good luck!

Add frogs to the new March special profile theme, "Luck of the Irish"Celebrate New Years with fireworks and our "Year of the Ox" profile themeThis winter profile theme looks great with snowflakesBECOME A FLAME MEMBER NOW

Flame members gain access to special features, monthly contests, invitations to alivenotdead events and you help to support our community of artists. The Flame is currently available to members with an international credit card (Visa/MasterCard) or a Paypal account but we hope to make it available to everyone soon.

-- Admin Bear wishes everyone a happy St. Patrick's Day!

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
Photo 22998
lol. I'm sure the Irish love being iconized by two big beer mugs. Funny how often certain cultural stereotypes are somehow not considered "stereotypes." Ah well. I'm sure if they weren't all drunk off their asses, they'd protest! :-\
接近 16 年 ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006