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Flugtag Design Contest Winner!|Flugtag設計比賽得獎者!|Flugtag设计比赛得奖者!

We are please to announce the winner of the Red Bull Flugtag Design Competition!  

We received a bunch of cool and interesting designs over the last few weeks,  all of them were really cool,  but the overwhelming favorite was 'Cybersparx',  submitted by Michelle from South Africa!

The prize for the design contest was a pair of special limited edition Red Bull shoes from Puma!

We will be mailing a pair to Michelle soon!

Thanks to everyone that entered and voted.  We're finalizing the AnD team soon (any last minute volunteers?)  and sitting down to come up with a final design over the next few weeks.  We'll try to incorporate ideas from all the designs submitted where possible! (no giant cockroaches though maybe!)  :-D

In the meanwhile, don't forget to get all the details and RSVP for the inaugural Red Bull Flugtag Hong Kong on Oct 10th!

                                            |我們很高興宣佈Red Bull Flugtag設計比賽得獎者!

在過去的幾個星期裏,我們收到了很多酷和有趣的設計。全部的設計都很好,但壓倒性的大熱是來自 南非Michelle的"Cybersparx"!

設計比賽的大獎是一對Puma限量Red Bull鞋!



與此同時,請留意詳情和不要忘記 預留在十月十日首次舉行的Red Bull Flugtag Hong Kong! |我们很高兴宣佈Red Bull Flugtag设计比赛得奖者!

在过去的几个星期里,我们收到了很多酷和有趣的设计。全部的设计都很好,但压倒性的大热是来自 南非Michelle 的"Cybersparx"!

设计比赛的大奖是一对Puma限量Red Bull鞋!



与此同时,请留意详情和不要忘记 预留在十月十日首次举行的Red Bull Flugtag Hong Kong! |We are please to announce the winner of the Red Bull Flugtag Design Competition!  

We received a bunch of cool and interesting designs over the last few weeks,  all of them were really cool,  but the overwhelming favorite was 'Cybersparx',  submitted by Michelle from South Africa!

The prize for the design contest was a pair of special limited edition Red Bull shoes from Puma!

We will be mailing a pair to Michelle soon!

Thanks to everyone that entered and voted.  We're finalizing the AnD team soon (any last minute volunteers?)  and sitting down to come up with a final design over the next few weeks.  We'll try to incorporate ideas from all the designs submitted where possible! (no giant cockroaches though maybe!)  :-D

In the meanwhile, don't forget to get all the details and RSVP for the inaugural Red Bull Flugtag Hong Kong on Oct 10th!

over 14 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
flagday - our budget and build time is very limited, that's going to be the major factor in shaping how this thing comes out. :-P
over 14 years ago


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