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Get your camera on, win a free phone designed by Prodip! | 拿起你的相機,免費贏取 Prodip設計的電話!

As you hopefully know by now,  AnD does a lot of work behind the scenes to support artists and the arts.  One project we have worked on recently is with mobile phone brand ZTE for the promotional campaign they just launched for their new model, the SKATE.

It's a photo competition, and the prize is a ZTE Skate phone with a case designed by either our very own Prodip Leung or noted designer Prudence from Chocolate Rain Design.   

Video: http://youtu.be/cyo_PyD4QX4 Participating is easy.  Sign up and upload your photo instantly on their Facebook page:


Contest goes through Feb 3rd,  but the sooner you enter, the better chance you have to win, so don't wait!

                                                                                                                                            |正如你所希望知道,現在AnD做了很多幕後的工作,支持藝術家和藝術。最近我們其中一個在進行的項目是中興通訊手機品牌的促銷活動,他們剛推出新機型,the SKATE。

這是一個攝影比賽,獎品是中興通訊滑板手機及手機殼,設計是由我們當前獨一無二的 Prodip Leung 或 著名設計師Chocolate Rain Design的 Prudence。 Video: http://youtu.be/cyo_PyD4QX4 參與辦法很簡單。只需要註冊並立即上傳您的照片在他們的的Facebook頁面上:

http://www.facebook.com/ZTECorp 比賽直到2月3日,但你越快進入,你更有贏取的機會,所以请立即行動!

|正如你所希望知道,现在AnD做了很多幕后的工作,支持艺术家和艺术。最近我们其中一个在进行的项目是中兴通讯手机品牌的促销活动,他们刚推出新机型,the SKATE。

这是一个摄影比赛,奖品是中兴通讯滑板手机及手机壳,设计是由我们当前独一无二的 Prodip Leung 或 著名設計師Chocolate Rain Design的 Prudence。 Video: http://youtu.be/cyo_PyD4QX4 参与办法很简单。只需要注册并立即上传您的照片在他们的的Facebook页面上:

http://www.facebook.com/ZTECorp 比赛直到2月3日,但你越快进入,你更有赢取的机会,所以请立即行动!

|As you hopefully know by now,  AnD does a lot of work behind the scenes to support artists and the arts.  One project we have worked on recently is with mobile phone brand ZTE for the promotional campaign they just launched for their new model, the SKATE.

It's a photo competition, and the prize is a ZTE Skate phone with a case designed by either our very own Prodip Leung or noted designer Prudence from Chocolate Rain Design.   

Video: http://youtu.be/cyo_PyD4QX4 Participating is easy.  Sign up and upload your photo instantly on their Facebook page:


Contest goes through Feb 3rd,  but the sooner you enter, the better chance you have to win, so don't wait!

接近 13 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares
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I already entered! ;-)
接近 13 年 ago


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Hong Kong
November 13, 2006