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Jonathan Jay Lee x Superga Live Art Collaboration!

We are always happy to highlight artists in the AnD community doing interesting projects.  HK-based graphic artist Jonathan Jay Lee has a new collaboration this month with the Italian shoe brand Superga here in Hong Kong.  He's released a line of comic book characters and will produce custom, hand painted edition Superga shoes through in-store live painting!

To get more info sign up at Superga.hk.  Also here's the e-flier and press release:

Hong Kong-based comic book artistJonathan Jay Leehas created six super-cool characters donned the‘Super Superga Girls’and an original conception ofSupergavillein collaboration withSuperga Hong Kong.Throughout September, Lee will be on-site at theSuperga Flagship StoreinHarbour Cityto create a unique shopping experience via alive in-store window art installation. The characters of Supergaville will come to creative fruition right before your eyes!

In addition to the transformation of the Superga Flagship, Lee will also be available tocustomize your purchased sneakersfor an additional HKD300!The super-cool Superga Girls, created by Lee, are local residents of Supergaville and each have their own signature Superga shoe. Juxtaposing classic Italian and cutting-edge Hong Kong landmarks, Supergaville is a one-of-a-kind visual adventure, straight from the imagination of the artist.

Visit the Superga store during the month of September to discover Supergaville and see Jonathan Jay Lee live at work. He will be in-store bringing Supergville to life from3rd-7thSeptember, 2013and will be back from16th-30thSeptember, 2013to do live customizations on yourSuperga.

Customers will be able to select from four different designs and the sneakers will be completed in-store using acrylic paint and signed by the artist. These appointments can be booked in-store (+852 2175 0228) or by emailingsuperga@electricsekki.com

Visit the Superga Flagship Store this September to experience the coming-to-life of the Superga Girls and the town they live in.

Good luck to Jonathan! We'll share some video from the live painting events later this month, so check back soon!

                    |We are always happy to highlight artists in the AnD community doing interesting projects.  HK-based graphic artist 

Jonathan Jay Lee has a new collaboration this month with the Italian shoe brand Superga here in Hong Kong.  He's released a line of comic book characters and will produce custom, hand painted edition Superga shoes through in-store live painting!

To get more info sign up at Superga.hk.  Also here's the e-flier and press release:

香港漫畫家Jonathan Jay Lee創造了六個穿上「Super-Superga Girls」鞋款的超有型角色,並與Superga Hong Kong合作創出Supergaville這個全新原創概念。在整個九月 份,Jonathan Jay Lee都會在海港城的Superga旗艦店駐守,透過在店內窗即場進行藝術插畫裝置設 計,為顧客創造一個獨特的購物體驗。Supergaville的角色將會真實而富有創意地呈現在您眼前!

除了為Superga旗艦店進行變革外,客人可另外加港幣$300Jonathan Jay Lee更會為您度身訂造屬於您 的運動鞋!

他創造的超有型Superga Girls是Supergaville的本地居民,她們各自都有自己的Superga簽名鞋。Supergaville發自藝術家的幻想,內裏經典的意大利品牌與現代尖端的香港地標共存,絕對是獨一無二的 視覺體驗。

於九月份前往Superga店探索Supergaville,並直擊Jonathan Jay Lee的現場工作。他將於2013年9月3日至7日在店內將Supergaville呈現出來,再於2013年9月16日至30日期間為您的Superga戰 利品即場加工設計。

顧客可從四款不同的設計選擇,Jonathan Jay Lee會在店內用塑膠彩在運動鞋上繪畫,然後簽名。您可在 店內預約(+852 2175 0228)或發送電郵至superga@electricsekki.com

於九月份來到Superga旗艦店親身見證Super-Superga Girls和遊歷她們居住的城鎮。

Good luck to Jonathan! We'll share some video from the live painting events later this month, so check back soon!

|We are always happy to highlight artists in the AnD community doing interesting projects.  HK-based graphic artist Jonathan Jay Lee has a new collaboration this month with the Italian shoe brand Superga here in Hong Kong.  He's released a line of comic book characters and will produce custom, hand painted edition Superga shoes through in-store live painting!

To get more info sign up at Superga.hk.  Also here's the e-flier and press release:

香港漫画家Jonathan Jay Lee创造了六个穿上「Super-Superga Girls」鞋款的超有型角色,并与Superga Hong Kong合作创出Supergaville这个全新原创概念。在整个九月 份,Jonathan Jay Lee都会在海港城的Superga旗舰店驻守,透过在店内窗即场进行艺术插画装置设 计,为顾客创造一个独特的购物体验。Supergaville的角色将会真实而富有创意地呈现在您眼前! 除了为Superga旗舰店进行变革外,客人可另外加港币$300Jonathan Jay Lee更会为您度身订造属于您 的运动鞋! 他创造的超有型Superga Girls是Supergaville的本地居民,她们各自都有自己的Superga签名鞋。Supergaville发自艺术家的幻想,内里经典的意大利品牌与现代尖端的香港地标共存,绝对是独一无二的 视觉体验。 于九月份前往Superga店探索Supergaville,并直击Jonathan Jay Lee的现场工作。他将于2013年9月3日至7日在店内将Supergaville呈现出来,再于2013年9月16日至30日期间为您的Superga战 利品即场加工设计。 顾客可从四款不同的设计选择,Jonathan Jay Lee会在店内用塑胶彩在运动鞋上绘画,然后签名。您可在 店内预约(+852 2175 0228)或发送电邮至superga@electricsekki.com。 于九月份来到Superga旗舰店亲身见证Super-Superga Girls和游历她们居住的城镇。

Good luck to Jonathan! We'll share some video from the live painting events later this month, so check back soon!

|We are always happy to highlight artists in the AnD community doing interesting projects.  HK-based graphic artist Jonathan Jay Lee has a new collaboration this month with the Italian shoe brand Superga here in Hong Kong.  He's released a line of comic book characters and will produce custom, hand painted edition Superga shoes through in-store live painting!

To get more info sign up at Superga.hk.  Also here's the e-flier and press release:

Hong Kong-based comic book artistJonathan Jay Leehas created six super-cool characters donned the‘Super Superga Girls’and an original conception ofSupergavillein collaboration withSuperga Hong Kong.Throughout September, Lee will be on-site at theSuperga Flagship StoreinHarbour Cityto create a unique shopping experience via alive in-store window art installation. The characters of Supergaville will come to creative fruition right before your eyes!

In addition to the transformation of the Superga Flagship, Lee will also be available tocustomize your purchased sneakersfor an additional HKD300!The super-cool Superga Girls, created by Lee, are local residents of Supergaville and each have their own signature Superga shoe. Juxtaposing classic Italian and cutting-edge Hong Kong landmarks, Supergaville is a one-of-a-kind visual adventure, straight from the imagination of the artist.

Visit the Superga store during the month of September to discover Supergaville and see Jonathan Jay Lee live at work. He will be in-store bringing Supergville to life from3rd-7thSeptember, 2013and will be back from16th-30thSeptember, 2013to do live customizations on yourSuperga.

Customers will be able to select from four different designs and the sneakers will be completed in-store using acrylic paint and signed by the artist. These appointments can be booked in-store (+852 2175 0228) or by emailingsuperga@electricsekki.com

Visit the Superga Flagship Store this September to experience the coming-to-life of the Superga Girls and the town they live in.

Good luck to Jonathan! We'll share some video from the live painting events later this month, so check back soon!

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Hong Kong
November 13, 2006