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Last 4 days to Voting in the Esprit Friends Campaign|只剩幾天時間為"Esprit Friends 摯友 Face 大賽"投票|只剩几天时间为"Esprit Friends 挚友 Face 大赛"投票

Just a quick reminder for those who are following our partnership with Esprit HK for their 'Esprit Friends' Casting competition.   Esprit did two weekends of open castings at their stores in HK.  In search for 8 groups who will be the subjects of their upcoming ad campaign.  A total of 600 individuals participated!  Esprit has put all the casting videos on their site and are collecting votes until Midnight August 31st.  You have 4 more day to vote.  Please check out the Esprit HK profile here on alivenotdead.com for more about the castings and then click over to the Esprit Friends website to help our partner with the vote!After the winners have been chosen, we'll travel along with them and their friends throughout the rest of their experience getting to be part of a major fashion brand's ad campaign in Hong Kong.  check it out here:  http://www.alivenotdead.com/esprithk |只想提醒在關註我們的合作夥伴 - 香港 Esprit舉辦的"Friends 摯友 Face 大賽"的各位朋友。

連續兩個周末 Esprit 在他們的香港店鋪舉辦了開放式選角,尋找8個團隊參與他們接下來的廣告計劃。共吸引超過 600人參與!Esprit 已經將所有的選角視頻上傳至他們的網站,8月31日將結束所有投票,你們還有幾天時間投出自己的意見。請到 alivenotdead.com 香港 Esprit 官方空間了解更多選角資訊,並到 Esprit Friends 網站為他們投票!獲勝者選出之後,我們將繼續與入選隊伍分享接下來他們參與香港知名時尚品牌廣告的新鮮經歷。到這裏查看: http://www.alivenotdead.com/esprithk |只想提醒在关注我们的合作伙伴 - 香港 Esprit  举办的"Friends 挚友 Face 大赛"的各位朋友。

连续两个周末 Esprit 在他们的香港店铺举办了开放式选角,寻找8个团队参与他们接下来的广告计划。共吸引超过 600人参与!Esprit 已经将所有的选角视频上传至他们的网站,8月31日将结束所有投票,你们还有几天时间投出自己的意见。请到 alivenotdead.com  香港 Esprit 官方空间 了解更多选角资讯,并到 Esprit Friends 网站为他们投票!获胜者选出之后,我们将继续与入选队伍分享接下来他们参与香港知名时尚品牌广告的新鲜经历。到这里查看: http://www.alivenotdead.com/esprithk | Just a quick reminder for those who are following our partnership with Esprit HK for their 'Esprit Friends' Casting competition.   Esprit did two weekends of open castings at their stores in HK.  In search for 8 groups who will be the subjects of their upcoming ad campaign.  A total of 600 individuals participated!  Esprit has put all the casting videos on their site and are collecting votes until Midnight August 31st.  You have 4 more day to vote.  Please check out the Esprit HK profile here on alivenotdead.com for more about the castings and then click over to the Esprit Friends website to help our partner with the vote!After the winners have been chosen, we'll travel along with them and their friends throughout the rest of their experience getting to be part of a major fashion brand's ad campaign in Hong Kong.  check it out here:  http://www.alivenotdead.com/esprithk

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good luck!
15 年多 ago


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Hong Kong
November 13, 2006