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More events-related features | 更多與活動有關的功能 | 更多与活动有关的功能

We're working hard to make it easier for you to keep track and learn about all of the concerts, hot parties, and other events being held by artists here on alivenotdead.com. We recently launched the events features on Alivenotdead.com and since then we've had over 250 events posted helping to promote different artists around-the-world. Here are some new features to make events even more useful:

Upcoming Events: Keep track of upcoming events that you've been invited or RSVPd to as well as your friends and favorite artists' birthdays. We've setup a new menu on the homepage which will contain a week's worth of upcoming activities.

Share Event Photos and Blogs: Did you attend one of the events on Alivenotdead.com? Be sure to share it with your friends and other event attendees by adding the event in your blog entry or photo album. Select from one of the prior events that you attended from the following new dropdown menu.

After you add your photo album or blog, it will be shared with other fans and party attendees in their notification menu. It will also appear in the event page itself.

Invite more friends to cool events: Are you going to be checking out an event by an Alivenotdead.com artist, be sure to click "Invite friends" and let your friends know of the event so they can check it out as well.

Select an event when adding a blog or photo album...

... and it will be added to the event page for other fans to check out!

Our aim is to make the events platform the best way for artists to let their fans know of their concerts, parties, or movie premieres. We hope that you can help us by posting your own event here!


-- Admin Bear has his own cute new profile design. Have you checked it out yet? Tell me what you think!

我們很辛苦工作讓你更容易追蹤並了解alivenotdead.com藝術家們舉辦的所有演唱會、熱辣party和其他活動。最近我們在Alivenotdead.com發布了活動功能,之後就有超過250個活動發布出來,幫助推廣來自全球的不同藝術家。以下是一些讓活動 更加有用的新功能:

即將到來的活動: 追蹤那些你被邀請參加的即將到來的活動 ,已回復給好友及喜愛藝術家的生日等。我們在主頁做了新菜單 ,當中將包含一周精選的即將舉辦的新活動。

分享活動圖片和BLOG: 你參加過某場Alivenotdead.com活動嗎?請與好友們及其他活動參與者分享,在你的空間添加活動或相冊 。從以下最新你參加過活動的下拉菜單中選擇一個優先活動。


邀請一些好友參加酷辣活動: 若你準備參加Alivenotdead.com藝術家發起的某個活動,請點擊"邀請好友",讓你的好友們了解並查看這個活動。



我們的目標是讓這個活動平臺成為粉絲了解藝術家們即將舉辦的音樂會 、party或電影首映禮等活動的最好辦法。希望你們能 在這兒貼出自己的活動!

--小編熊仔的空間被設計得更可愛了。 你看過沒有?告訴我們你的想法!

我们很辛苦工作让你更容易追踪并了解alivenotdead.com艺术家们举办的所有演唱会、热辣party和其他活动。最近我们在Alivenotdead.com发布了活动功能,之后就有超过250个活动发布出来,帮助推广来自全球的不同艺术家。以下是一些让活动 更加有用的新功能:

即将到来的活动: 追踪那些你被邀请参加的即将到来的活动 ,已回复给好友及喜爱艺术家的生日等。我们在主页做了新菜单 ,当中将包含一周精选的即将举办的新活动。

分享活动图片和博客: 你参加过某场Alivenotdead.com活动吗?请与好友们及其他活动参与者分享,在你的空间添加活动或相册 。从以下最新你参加过活动的下拉菜单中选择一个优先活动。


邀请一些好友参加酷辣活动: 若你准备参加Alivenotdead.com艺术家发起的某个活动,请点击"邀请好友",让你的好友们了解并查看这个活动。



我们的目标是让这个活动平台成为粉丝了解艺术家们即将举办的音乐会 、party或电影首映礼等活动的最好办法。希望你们能 在这儿贴出自己的活动!

--小编熊仔的空间被设计得更可爱了。 你看过没有?告诉我们你的想法!


over 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客

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Hong Kong
Member Since
November 13, 2006
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