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New Products on AnD! | AnD新商品

Things have been quite busy here at the alivenotdead.com office in Hong Kong!  Apologies for the lack of updates!  We'd like to announce just a few of the new products we're now carrying in the alivenotdead.com online store:

1) 24 Herbs has new hats and shirts! Check out these 9 new embroidered trucker hats! One of our most popular product lines has just gotten bigger! Check out the new styles and colors!

2.  Josie Ho's Elastic Rock CD+DVD special T-shirt Bundle Get Josie's CD and DVD bundled with her Glam Trash Concert T-shirt for one low price.

3.  T-shirts from 'The Heavenly Kings' 

Actually not a /new/ product - but we just wanted to let everyone know that all the S's and L's are SOLD OUT,  only a limited supply of M's and XS's are left.  So please don't wait to order!

More news, features and of course more products coming soon!  Stay Tuned!


1.24 Herbs新帽子和T恤!看看最新款9種刺繡卡車帽!


2.何超”Elastic Rock” CD+DVD與特別版T恤捆綁銷售

現在可以購買何超”Elastic Rock” CD+DVD與她的Glam Trash演唱會T恤的低價捆綁包

3. " 四大天王"T恤 

這不是”新”商品–但我們想告訴大家的是,小號、大號均已售完,現余 數量有限的中號和加小號。現在就搶購!


alivenotdead.com香港办公室最近超级忙碌!对不起没有及时更新内容!我们要发布在alivenotdead.com线上商店上架的最新热辣商品:[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]


1.24 Herbs新帽子和T恤!看看最新款9种刺绣卡车帽!


2.何超”Elastic Rock” CD+DVD与特别版T恤捆绑销售

现在可以购买何超”Elastic Rock” CD+DVD与她的Glam Trash演唱会T恤的低价捆绑包

3. "四大天王"T恤

这不是”新”商品–但我们想告诉大家的是,小号、大号均已售完,现余 数量有限的中号和加小号。现在就抢购!


over 16 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
over 16 years ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客

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