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New Trucker Caps and MOVING SALE!|新帽子和搬遷特賣!|新帽子和搬迁特卖!|MOVING SALE!

Two important announcements! First of all - We've got two new colors of trucker caps! They just came in yesterday from the factory.  We haven't had a chance to take any snazzy photos yet, but here are some initial ones to whet your appetite: ###Blue with Red 'ALIVE' CLICK HERE TO BUY White with Grey 'ALIVE' CLICK HERE TO BUYSecondly:  alivenotdead.com has just moved out of our office!!![](/attachments/2009/10/23/22/1_200910232254481.thumb.jpg)  We don't have enough storage for all of our T's and hats,  so we need to move stuff QUICK!  For a limited time, buy ANY 2 alivenotdead.com products and we'll throw in an Anniversary T-shirt for FREE![](/attachments/2009/10/13/16/54428_200910131618031.thumb.jpg) Available sizes: S, M, L, XLThe following products are eligible for this deal:ANY alivenotdead.com Trucker Hat ( White, BlueBlack, Red, Pink'Original')ANY alivenotdead.com logo Tee ( Black, Grey, Girls)ANY alive/Heavenly Kings Tee2nd Anniversary shirt6 Month FLAME membershipJust buy any two, and we'll email you to find out what size FREE Anniversary Tee you want! Check out all the items at the store |
二項重要宣佈!首先:我們現在推出兩頂新顏色的帽子!剛剛才從工廠送到。我們還沒有機會拍一些漂亮的照片,但這裡有一些基本的讓你們看看:###藍色配紅色"ALIVE"字樣 點擊這裡購買 白色配灰色"ALIVE"字樣 點擊這裡購買第二:alivenotdead.com剛搬離我們的辦公室!!  我們沒有足夠的存貨空間給予全部的Tshirt帽子,所以我們需要盡快清出一點空間! 在有限時間內,凡購買任何alivenotdead.com產品,我們將免費贈送一件週年紀念Tshirt! 尺碼: S, M, L, XL以下的產品都合資格獲得免費Tshirt:任何alivenotdead.com帽子(粉紅'裝'

任何alivenotdead.com標誌Tshirt(女裝)任何 alive/四大天王Tshirt週年紀念Tshirt六個月"火焰會"會員資格只要購買任何兩樣,我們將會電郵你以找出你想要的週年紀念Tshirt尺碼!點擊這裡看看產品 | 二项重要宣佈!首先:我们现在推出两顶新颜色的帽子!刚刚才从工厂送到。我们还没有机会拍一些漂亮的照片,但这裡有一些基本的让你们看看:

蓝色配红色"ALIVE"字样 点击这裡购买

白色配灰色"ALIVE"字样 点击这裡购买第二:< /b>alivenotdead.com刚搬离我们的办公室!!  & lt;div>我们没有足够的存货空间给予全部的Tshirt帽子,所以我们需要尽快清出一点空间!在有限时间内,凡购买任何alivenotdead.com产品,我们将免费赠送一件週年纪念 Tshirt! 尺码: S, M, L, XL以下的产品都合资格获得免费Tshirt:任何alivenotdead.com帽子(粉红'装'[)

任何alivenotdead.com标志Tshirt(](/store/Alivenotdead-com-Original-Trucker-Hat-467599.html)女装)任何 alive/四大天王Tshirt週年纪念 Tshirt六个月"火焰会"会员资格只要购买任何两样,我们将会电邮你以找出你想要的週年纪念Tshirt尺码!点击这裡看看产品|
Two important announcements! First of all - We've got two new colors of trucker caps! They just came in yesterday from the factory.  We haven't had a chance to take any snazzy photos yet, but here are some initial ones to whet your appetite: ###Blue with Red 'ALIVE' CLICK HERE TO BUY White with Grey 'ALIVE' CLICK HERE TO BUYSecondly:  alivenotdead.com has just moved out of our office!!![](/attachments/2009/10/23/22/1_200910232254481.thumb.jpg)  We don't have enough storage for all of our T's and hats,  so we need to move stuff QUICK!  For a limited time, buy ANY 2 alivenotdead.com products and we'll throw in an Anniversary T-shirt for FREE![](/attachments/2009/10/13/16/54428_200910131618031.thumb.jpg) Available sizes: S, M, L, XLThe following products are eligible for this deal:ANY alivenotdead.com Trucker Hat ( White, BlueBlack, Red, Pink'Original')ANY alivenotdead.com logo Tee ( Black, Grey, Girls)ANY alive/Heavenly Kings Tee2nd Anniversary shirt6 Month FLAME membershipJust buy any two, and we'll email you to find out what size FREE Anniversary Tee you want! Check out all the items at the store

about 15 years ago 0 likes  40 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Can Admin Bear breath in the back of the truck?
about 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
his coat lost its luster a long time ago, and all the teddy bear cleaner in the world won't get him white again... :-P right now he's sitting in a warehouse in Chai Wan waiting for a new home... so sad.
about 15 years ago
Dsc 1374
moving when? will i be able to catch the last glimpse before halloween?? and i want the new cappppp!!!
about 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
saturnsshadow - ha ha, we're still here, aren't we? we're in search of a new office at the moment, we are in a temporary location now.
about 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Lynn - not waterproof, sorry!
about 15 years ago
Photo 49112
i love the white one!!!!!
about 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
zuzu - limited time - won't be for a few more weeks, we may change what the free gift shirt is to a logo T after this, but we can always swap it to whichever you need if you want something else!)
about 15 years ago
Photo 505164
I got the white one, but it's starting to get dirty. I might have to make some custom adjustments to it.
almost 15 years ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客

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