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Presenting the new, improved photo features | 介紹最新、改進的照片功能

[ 繁體中文]                 [ 简体中文] I'd like to introduce you to the new photo and photo album features on [alive not dead] which will vastly improve your experience here on the site. These features apply to all photos on your profile whether they are in the photo albums or uploaded into your blog entries. We sat down and took the time to re-think how we wanted to present photos and photo albums and completely overhauled the interface and feature set. As a consequence ,we've been able to change up the way photos are presented in this current release of changes. In the future, we will continue to make feature additions to the display, sharing, uploading, and administration.

Here are the major new features available with all photos:

       - A new "gallery view" for photo albums which presents thumbnails of all of the photos of the album. This view is also now the default view when viewing a photo album.

     - A new, easier to use interface for browsing through photos one-by-one. This new "photo view" will also appear for photos uploaded to blog entries. You can see the new photo interface simply by mousing over one of the photos included in this entry.

     - As part of the new "photo view" there are a whole slew of new features. The biggest feature is that you can now comment on INDIVIDUAL photos rather than to the entire album.

     - Another great and powerful feature: PEOPLE TAGGING. Click the "Tag" button in the upper right-hand corner and click on the person that you wish to annotate in the photo. A menu will appear where you can select which person you wish to annotate in the photo. You can "tag" multiple people.

     - People that you "tag" will automatically find out about the photo within their notifications menu on the homepage. Also, their friends and fans will ALSO find out about the new photo. This is a great way to share photos with friends and OTHER fans.

     - Want to see all of the photos with YOU in it? If you go to your photo albums page, there is a new " Photos I'm In" page that allows you to review all of the photos that you have been tagged in.

     - Besides tagging, you can also SHARE photos with your friends who are not already on [alive not dead]. Click the "SHARE" button and send the album or photo URL to a friend. There's even an option to "disable" privacy settings so that your friends don't have to register in order to see the photo or album.

     - In general, the photo album view is just plain EASIER to use.

Be sure to check all of these new features out and begin tagging and sharing your photos in your photo albums.

As with any new major feature release, we expect there to be some kinks to work out, so we'd really appreciate your comments and suggestions. Thanks for the support!

-- Admin Bear has about a million photos to tag of his "bear"-like friends

______________________________________________|我在這裏要隆重向各位介紹[alive not dead]最 新的照片和 相冊功能,它將極大提升你使用本網站的體驗。這個功能不僅針對你相冊中的所有照片,還包括你插入到博客中的照片。我們花了些時間思考如何展現照 片和相冊,並全面回顧了操作界面和功能。現在發布的新功能就是基於此,展示照片方法的改變。以後我們還將繼續提供更多展示、分享、上傳及編輯的新功能。


     -新的”相冊”瀏覽方式。現有查看相冊的默認設置為察看小圖。     -全新界面更容易逐一瀏覽相片,新的”瀏覽照片”功能也將運用在你從相冊上載照片到博客時。你只需輕松點擊羅列出的其中一張照片插入正在編輯的博客即可。     -作為”瀏覽照片”功能的一部分,新功能的大不同還有,你可以對單張照片進行評論而整個相冊。


     -你”標簽”過的人將在他們的主頁”最新事件”欄中收到提示,提醒他們被加為”標簽”了。他們的好友和粉絲同時也會得到這個消息。這可是跟好友和其他粉絲分享照片的極好辦法。-想看你出現在哪些照片中?請到你的”相冊”頁,”本相冊中”的”有我的照片”,你就能瀏覽所有你被設置為標簽的照片了。      -除了設置”標簽”外,你還能跟尚未成為[alive not dead]會員的朋友分享照片。點擊照片左上角”分享”按鈕,會提供該照片和所屬相冊的URL鏈接,將它發送給朋友就行。”分享”中還有個”私密設定”,若選擇了不私密,其他朋友無需註冊就能查看你的相冊和照片。





___________________________________________________|我在这里要隆重向各位介绍[alive not dead]最新的照片和 相册功能,它将极大提升你使用本网站的体验。这个功能不仅针对你相册中的所有照片,还包括你插入到博客中的照片。我们花了些时间思 考如何展现照片和相册,并全面回顾了操作界面和功能。现在发布的新功能就是基于此,展示照片方法的改变。以后我们还将继续提供更多展示、分享、上传及编辑 的新功能。


      - 新的”相册”浏览方式。现有查看相册的默认设置为察看小图。      - 全新界面更容易逐一浏览相片,新的”浏览照片”功能也将运用在你从相册上载照片到博客时。你只需轻松点击罗列出的其中一张照片插入正在编辑的博客即可。     - 作为”浏览照片”功能的一部分,新功能的大不同还有,你可以对单张照片进行评论而整个相册。

      - 另一个强大功能:对人物进行”标签”。点击其中一张相片左上角的”标签”按钮,为出现在其中的人物做”标签”。有菜单会跳出来让你选择想要标注的人,而一张照片可以”标签”许多人。

      - 你”标签”过的人将在他们的主页”最新事件”栏中收到提示,提醒他们被加为”标签”了。他们的好友和粉丝同时也会得到这个消息。这可是跟好友和其他粉丝分享照片的极好办法。      - 想看你出现在哪些照片中?请到你的”相册”页,”本相册中”的” 有我的照片”,你就能浏览所有你被设置为标签的照片了。      - 除了设置”标签”外,你还能跟尚未成为[alive not dead]会员的朋友分享照片。点击照片左上角”分享”按钮,会提供该照片和所属相册的URL链接,将它发送给朋友就行。 ”分享”中还有个”私密设定”,若选择了不私密,其他朋友无需注册就能查看你的相册和照片。      - 总结一下,相册现在是好看又好用。

      - 一定要去试试所有新功能,开始在你的相册设置”标签”,跟好友分享!



about 17 years ago 0 likes  20 comments  0 shares
Photo 23632
awesome!!! i imagine this was pretty difficult to do... i had thought this was a neat feature in fb.
about 17 years ago
Photo 23329
you guys rock for sure ! good job guys !
about 17 years ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客

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