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Stephen Fung at HBO Go launch event|導演馮德倫在HBO Go啟動儀式|导演冯德伦在HBO Go启动仪式

As Hong Kong, China and other Asian countries are coming back to work after the Lunar New Year celebrations,  we here at alive have a bunch of exciting projects and events coming up in the next three months that we will be announcing shortly including AnD professional mixers, charity partnerships and of course indie music events.  Stay tuned!

In the meanwhile, we have been continuing with our alive.cn support for artists and our partners including a recent project we helped HBO Asia with in Hong Kong.  Yesterday Hong Kong actor and director Stephen Fung (who we last worked with on this project in November) helped them launch the Asia version of HBO GO,  the service allowing HBO subscribers to view their programming on-the-go via multiple platforms including laptops, smartphones and tablets.  The event was held at the Grand Hyatt in Wanchai, Hong Kong.


Check out some of the pics from Stephen's appearance at the event.  As you can see a lot of HK and China press were eager to talk to him.  We'll just assume they were all very interested in asking about his next directorial project after 2012's back to back films "Tai Chi Zero" and "Tai Chi Hero"!  ;-)


Thanks to HBO Asia and Stephen! |香港、中國及其他亞洲國家都在慶祝農曆新年後再次投入工作,alive很高興跟大家透露接下來三個月即將有一連串活動與不同專業機構及慈善團體舉行,當然還有獨立音樂活動。我們將逐一公佈,請繼續密切留意。

與此同時,我們繼續透過 alive.cn為各合作伙伴提供支援。包括最近HBO亞洲在香港舉行的一個項目。香港著名演員及導演馮德倫於昨天(我們亦剛與他在去年11月 合作)出席了在香港灣仔君悅酒店舉行的亞洲版HBO GO發佈活動。透過HBO GO,HBO訂戶可使用各種平台如,筆記本電腦、智能手機和平板電腦觀看他們的節目。


以下是活動裡一些照片,看來香港及內地記者都相當期待與Stephen對談。他們大概為他2012執導的《太極1從零開始》、《太極2英雄崛起》後下一個項目相當感興趣! ;-)



|香港、中国及其他亚洲国家都在庆祝农历新年后再次投入工作,alive很高兴跟大家透露接下来三个月即将有一连串活动与不同专业机构及慈善团体举行,当然 还有独立音乐活动。我们将逐一公布,请继续密切留意。

与此同时,我们继续透过 alive.cn为各合作伙伴提供支持。包括最近HBO亚洲在香港举行的一个 项目。香港著名演员及导演冯德伦于昨天(我们亦刚与他在去年11月 合作)出席了在香港湾仔君悦酒店举行 的亚洲版HBO GO发布活动。透过HBO GO,HBO订户可使用各种平台如,笔记本计算机、智能手机和平板计算机观看他们的节目。


以下是活动里一些照片,看来香港及内地 记者都相当期待与Stephen对谈。他们大概为他2012执导的《太极1从零开始》、《太极2英雄崛起》后下一个项目相当感兴趣! ;-)



|As Hong Kong, China and other Asian countries are coming back to work after the Lunar New Year celebrations,  we here at alive have a bunch of exciting projects and events coming up in the next three months that we will be announcing shortly including AnD professional mixers, charity partnerships and of course indie music events.  Stay tuned!

In the meanwhile, we have been continuing with our alive.cn support for artists and our partners including a recent project we helped HBO Asia with in Hong Kong.  Yesterday Hong Kong actor and director Stephen Fung (who we last worked with on this project in November) helped them launch the Asia version of HBO GO,  the service allowing HBO subscribers to view their programming on-the-go via multiple platforms including laptops, smartphones and tablets.  The event was held at the Grand Hyatt in Wanchai, Hong Kong.


Check out some of the pics from Stephen's appearance at the event.  As you can see a lot of HK and China press were eager to talk to him.  We'll just assume they were all very interested in asking about his next directorial project after 2012's back to back films "Tai Chi Zero" and "Tai Chi Hero"!  ;-)

Thanks to HBO Asia and Stephen!

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45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Cool. My mom uses that app in the US.
接近 12 年 ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006