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Taobao Orange Dot Fashion Awards|阿裏橙點新風尚|阿里橙点新风尚|Taobao Orange Dot Fashion Awards

On Dec 28th,  a group of alive artists attended another Mainland China e-Commerce related event organized by Taobao,  China's largest online marketplace.   This event was Taobao's Orange Dot Fashion Awards show, held in Hangzhou China. 

This event recognizes and celebrate's Taobao's top fashion e-commerce vendors. As with the Taobao event we attended in November, our alive "delegation" was led by model and actress Masson Ge. She was joined by fellow artists Anthony Law and Cara G. 

Thanks to Taobao for the opportunity and thanks to Elena from the alive team for being the alive chaperone!

The highlight of the night was arguably the photo op with Jack Ma, founder of alibaba.com and the biggest name in the internet in China, if not all of Asia.

For those artists who may have missed the previous announcements, we are currently working with Taobao and their vendors on developing artist collaboration product lines.  We hope to announce some successful launches in the coming months.  Any artists interested in developing products or selling their current products in China, please email to admin bear for more details. 


我們一群Alive藝術家在12月28日參與了另一項由中國最大的網上購物點淘寶網舉辦的電子商務活動。這次活動為中國杭州舉行 “阿里橙点新风尚” 頒獎典禮。是次活動讓我們認識並慶祝了淘寶最時尚的產品供應商。我們在11月參與的淘寶活動由模特兒女演員Masson Ge(葛佩琦) 帶領並與 Anthony Law及Cara G.(婀娜)一同出席。感謝淘寶給予機會,並感謝Alive的Elena陪同參與。當晚亮點絕對是跟中國互聯網聲名最大的 阿里巴巴創始人馬雲(Jack Ma)合照。

對於可能錯過了先前已公佈的資訊的藝術家,我們目前正與淘寶及其供應商發展合作一些藝術家的產品線。我們希望在未來數月有好消息跟大家分享。任何有興趣參與在中國發展及銷售他們產品的藝術家,請電郵給我們的小編熊仔( bookings@alive.cn)以獲更多詳情。| 我们一群Alive艺术家在12月28日参与了另一项由中国最大的网上购物点淘宝网举办的电子商务活动。这次活动为中国杭州举行 “阿里橙点新风尚” 颁奖典礼。是次活动让我们认识并庆祝了淘宝最时尚的产品供应商。我们在11月参与的淘宝活动由模特儿女演员Masson Ge(葛佩琦) 带领并与 Anthony Law及Cara G.(婀娜)一同出席。感谢淘宝给予机会,并感谢Alive的Elena陪同参与。当晚亮点绝对是跟中国互联网声名最大的 阿里巴巴创始人马云(Jack Ma)合照。

对于可能错过了先前已公佈的资讯的艺术家,我们目前正与淘宝及其供应商发展合作一些艺术家的产品线。我们希望在未来数月有好消息跟大家分享。任何有兴趣参与在中国发展及销售他们产品的艺术家,请电邮给我们的小编熊仔( bookings@alive.cn)以获更多详情。| On Dec 28th,  a group of alive artists attended another Mainland China e-Commerce related event organized by Taobao,  China's largest online marketplace.   This event was Taobao's Orange Dot Fashion Awards show, held in Hangzhou China. 

This event recognizes and celebrate's Taobao's top fashion e-commerce vendors. As with the Taobao event we attended in November, our alive "delegation" was led by model and actress Masson Ge. She was joined by fellow artists Anthony Law and Cara G. 

Thanks to Taobao for the opportunity and thanks to Elena from the alive team for being the alive chaperone!

The highlight of the night was arguably the photo op with Jack Ma, founder of alibaba.com and the biggest name in the internet in China, if not all of Asia.

For those artists who may have missed the previous announcements, we are currently working with Taobao and their vendors on developing artist collaboration product lines.  We hope to announce some successful launches in the coming months.  Any artists interested in developing products or selling their current products in China, please email to admin bear for more details. 

大约 12 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
awesome! Jack Ma x Cara G! ;-)
大约 12 年 ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006