We are just two weeks away from HK's first ever Webfest event. Here's their latest updates:
HK Webfest sets launch pad for new branded entertainment strategies via transmedia storytelling in Asia
HONG KONG (20/05/2013) Hong Kong’s first festival for web content, transmedia, branded entertainment and webseries will start on 5 th of June as associated project of the annual Le French May.
Being a part of a global webfestival network – with such locations as Los Angeles, Marseille and Melbourne – the first edition of the Hong Kong Webfest will bring to town such international speakers as Frederic Josue (Head of Marketing at Havas Media), Mourgan Bouchet (Vice President at Orange) and Nicolas Thorin (Director of Internet advertising M6), among others, to present and discuss the future of the entertainment industry in regards to what technology and new business models can do to the way content creators develop the stories that best engage a connected global audience. Local Hong Kong speakers are also represented during the conference day including Oonagh Chan (Head of Broadcasting Services HK Jockey Club), Maryann Hwee (Executive Director of FringeBacker), Charlie Toller (Director and founder BrandBeatAsia) and many more.
Another important topic at the event will be how new cross-platform dependent projects and their finance structures are disrupting the Television/Film Theater market, creating immensely popular franchises and creating multiple connection points (and long-tail revenue) with their avid viewers.
Taking place at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (from the 5 th of June to the 7 th), the event provides a valuable forum for emerging talents from around the city, mainly focusing on new talents and innovative thinkers in the industry.
With such projects showcased like Guidestones (A HK financed Canadian production that has recently received the Emmy award for Best Digital Program), GwanGong VS Alien (an ICT and Freshwave award winner from Hong Kong) and a Heiward Mak microfilms special, attendees will have the opportunity to interact, discuss and critique the content present at the Webfest with the intent to further push the Hong Kong local creative industry into maintaining its stance as a media player in the global new media market.
Furthermore, for the first time in the city, this type of event will have its registration and ticketing system running through a NFC enabled platform, connected to the audience’s social media channels and helping the attendees in interacting with their channels and friends through local check-ins, event photos and branded lucky draws.
Festival director Marco Sparmberg explains, “The HK Webfest is at the intersection of cutting edge media technology, cross platform distribution, digital marketing and transmedia storytelling. All these sectors will merge eventually and we have to find new business models for the industry along this way.”
With support from Le French May, the Consulate general of France in Hong Kong and Macao, Alliance Française, Getty Images, Yesasia.com, Alive.cn, RealLifeConnect and several Hong Kong Startups, the event aims to become a staple in the content and entertainment calendar, striving for a local connected, interactive and expansive creative community with a global reach.
Register for a free NFC enabled festival pass here: http://reallifeconnect.com/event130/reg |We are just two weeks away from HK's first ever Webfest event. Here's their latest updates:
「香港網絡節2013 」將聚焦本土及國際的跨媒體平台發展,關注新興媒體的視覺語言及傳播方式,同時探討隨之而生的新型國際資金合作模式。大會邀請業界的專業人士作為評委,鼓勵香港本土的創作人充分展示創意,提供創作及製作適合於跨媒體發行作品的機會,以延續香港“創意之都”的神話。
香港網絡節作為一個全球性活動,其他地點有洛杉磯、馬賽和及墨爾本。本屆香港網絡節有國際講者如Frederic Josue(Havas Media市場營銷總監)、Mourgan BOUCHET(Orange副總裁)、尼古拉•索林(M6網絡廣告總監)等。本地講者有陳王靜敏女士(香港賽馬會主管廣播事務部主管),Maryann Hwee(FringeBacker執行董事),Charlie Toller(BrandBeatAsia董事和創始人)等。
會議中會提出並討論未來的娛樂行業方面可以做什麼樣的技術和新的商業模式的方式等。內容製作者開發的故事及如何連接全球觀眾。另外一個重要議題將是新媒體的跨平台相關項目如何影響現有電視/電影影院市場結構。 如出席,請到 http://reallifeconnect.com/event130/reg登記 |We are just two weeks away from HK's first ever Webfest event. Here's their latest updates:
「香港网络节2013 」将聚焦本土及国际的跨媒体平台发展,关注新兴媒体的视觉语言及传播方式,同时探讨随之而生的新型国际资金合作模式。大会邀请业界的专业人士作为评委,鼓励香港本土的创作人充分展示创意,提供创作及製作适合于跨媒体发行作品的机会,以延续香港“创意之都”的神话。 寻求新媒体体裁及跨平台传播方式,已经成为世界各传媒领域的製作人,投资人及管理高层等高端人士的共同大目标。作为亚洲的国际级城市,香港势必紧贴时 代尖端,大力发展新兴的媒体体裁及平台,包括网络短片,跨媒体作品,娱乐式软性宣传片及植入广告,以及网络连续剧等。 香港网络节作为一个全球性活动,其他地点有洛杉矶、马赛和及墨尔本。本届香港网络节有国际讲者如Frederic Josue(Havas Media市场营销总监)、Mourgan BOUCHET(Orange副总裁)、尼古拉•索林(M6网络广告总监)等。本地讲者有陈王静敏女士(香港赛马会主管广播事务部主管),Maryann Hwee(FringeBacker执行董事),Charlie Toller(BrandBeatAsia董事和创始人)等。 会议中会提出并讨论未来的娱乐行业方面可以做什麽样的技术和新的商业模式的方式等。内容製作者开发的故事及如何连接全球观众。另外一个重要议题将是新媒体的跨平台相关项目如何影响现有电视/电影影院市场结构。 如出席,请到 http://reallifeconnect.com/event130/reg登记 |We are just two weeks away from HK's first ever Webfest event. Here's their latest updates:
HK Webfest sets launch pad for new branded entertainment strategies via transmedia storytelling in Asia
HONG KONG (20/05/2013) Hong Kong’s first festival for web content, transmedia, branded entertainment and webseries will start on 5 th of June as associated project of the annual Le French May.
Being a part of a global webfestival network – with such locations as Los Angeles, Marseille and Melbourne – the first edition of the Hong Kong Webfest will bring to town such international speakers as Frederic Josue (Head of Marketing at Havas Media), Mourgan Bouchet (Vice President at Orange) and Nicolas Thorin (Director of Internet advertising M6), among others, to present and discuss the future of the entertainment industry in regards to what technology and new business models can do to the way content creators develop the stories that best engage a connected global audience. Local Hong Kong speakers are also represented during the conference day including Oonagh Chan (Head of Broadcasting Services HK Jockey Club), Maryann Hwee (Executive Director of FringeBacker), Charlie Toller (Director and founder BrandBeatAsia) and many more.
Another important topic at the event will be how new cross-platform dependent projects and their finance structures are disrupting the Television/Film Theater market, creating immensely popular franchises and creating multiple connection points (and long-tail revenue) with their avid viewers.
Taking place at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (from the 5 th of June to the 7 th), the event provides a valuable forum for emerging talents from around the city, mainly focusing on new talents and innovative thinkers in the industry.
With such projects showcased like Guidestones (A HK financed Canadian production that has recently received the Emmy award for Best Digital Program), GwanGong VS Alien (an ICT and Freshwave award winner from Hong Kong) and a Heiward Mak microfilms special, attendees will have the opportunity to interact, discuss and critique the content present at the Webfest with the intent to further push the Hong Kong local creative industry into maintaining its stance as a media player in the global new media market.
Furthermore, for the first time in the city, this type of event will have its registration and ticketing system running through a NFC enabled platform, connected to the audience’s social media channels and helping the attendees in interacting with their channels and friends through local check-ins, event photos and branded lucky draws.
Festival director Marco Sparmberg explains, “The HK Webfest is at the intersection of cutting edge media technology, cross platform distribution, digital marketing and transmedia storytelling. All these sectors will merge eventually and we have to find new business models for the industry along this way.”
With support from Le French May, the Consulate general of France in Hong Kong and Macao, Alliance Française, Getty Images, Yesasia.com, Alive.cn, RealLifeConnect and several Hong Kong Startups, the event aims to become a staple in the content and entertainment calendar, striving for a local connected, interactive and expansive creative community with a global reach.
Register for a free NFC enabled festival pass here: http://reallifeconnect.com/event130/reg
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