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"Way Too Long" music video

If you haven't checked out Hong Kong local band, Audiotraffic, then you're in for a real treat. Their latest video has just been released on [alive not dead] and it's a collaboration between several great artists here on our community. It's directed by local Hong Kong-born filmmaker Kit Hui and stars Jason Tobin with great camerawork by Phat Chan of Hardpack and 24 Herbs. Watch the video and you'll also see a surprise cameo by a certain stuffed bear...

Check out "Way Too Long" (Audiotraffic) the newest video on [alive not dead]

You can find out more about the making of the video on Kit Hui's blog here on [alive not dead].

Like the video? Be sure to  click "Become a fan" for Audiotraffic, Kit, Jason, and all of the artists that you like and you'll automatically receive updates about their work in the "My feeds" page.

-- Director Kit Hui and Admin Bear bid you "adieu"


如果還不知道香港本地最紅的樂隊 Audiotraffic,那你已經落伍了。他們的 最新MV剛剛在[alive not dead]發佈,由我們社區很多很棒的藝術家通力合作:導演是香港出生的電影製作人 許潔華Jason Tobin友情出演,還有拍攝過 ”Hardpack””24味”的很厲害的攝影師Phat Chan。 在MV裏你還能驚喜的發現一只吃得飽飽的小熊…

在[alive not dead]看Audiotraffic最新MV "Way Too Long"

許潔華導演 在她的blog裏寫了製作這部MV的過程和花絮




果还不知道香港本地最红的乐队 Audiotraffic,那你已经落伍了。他们的 最新MV刚刚在[alive not dead发布,由我们社区很多很棒的艺术家通力合作:导演是香港出生的电影制作人 许洁华Jason Tobin友情出演,还有拍摄过 ”Hardpack””24味”的很厉害的摄影师Phat Chan。 在MV里你还能惊喜的发现一只吃得饱饱的小熊…


在[alive not dead]看Audiotraffic最新MV "Way Too Long"

许洁华导演 在她的blog里写了制作这部MV的过程和花絮


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Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006