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We want to take you to Hawaii with us! | 想帶你一起去夏威夷!

You have probably already seen the promotion running across the top of the [alive not dead] homepage. This is our first of what we hope to be many giveaway opportunities to bring our [alive not dead] fans in touch with our artists.

| 你可能已經從[alive not dead]網頁上看到了正在進行的這個活動。我們組織這次活動是為了給[alive not dead]粉絲跟藝術家們近距離接觸的好機會。| 你可能已经从[alive not dead]网页上看到了正在进行的这个活动。我们组织这次活动是为了给[alive not dead]粉丝跟艺术家们近距离接触的好机会。

Also, we've made some important improvements to the contest, so those of you who have already entered should continue reading below.

We want to bring a lucky winner to Hawaii with us in October for the Hawaii International Film Festival. At the festival, you'll get to meet directors Daniel Wu and Justin Linand be ushered into the VIP screenings and after-parties ... all in beautiful Hawaii! It's the perfect vacation getaway and it's completely free to enter the contest.


我們將選取一名幸運會員在今年十月跟我們一起前往參加夏威夷國際電影節。電影節上,你會跟兩部電影的導演 吳彥祖Justin Lin見面,還能作為嘉賓參加電影放映會及之後的party…這些都在美麗的夏威夷!!比賽是免費的,還有機會贏取完美旅行!| 另外,我们也对比赛内容做了重要变更,如果你已经报名参加了比赛,下面的内容你一定要看:[if !supportLineBreakNewLine][endif]我们将选取一名幸运会员在今年十月跟我们一起前往参加夏威夷国际电影节。电影节上,你会跟两部电影的导演 吴彦祖Justin Lin见面,还能作为嘉宾参加电影放映会及之后的party…这些都在美丽的夏威夷!!比赛是免费的,还有机会赢取完美旅行!

You could be this lightbulb...


Or you could be spotted on a Hawaiian beach getting a tan like hot Chinese-American actor, Roger Fan

| 也可以象著名華裔演員Roger Fan一樣在夏威夷的海灘上把自己曬成古銅色。

| 也可以象著名华裔演员Roger Fan一样在夏威夷的海滩上把自己晒成古铜色。

If you haven't already done so, be sure to enter the contest now. You receive one entry when you enter the contest. Additionally, you'll improve your chances to win by inviting the rest of your friends to become an [alive not dead] member. Just invite them using the various methods provided in the Find/Invite Friends page. Winners of the Hawaii trip must be prepared with a proper passport and visa documents -- for those who aren't able to travel, we will award them with one of our great second place prizes (personalized, autographed t-shirts, hats, posters, and DVDs) and find another qualified Hawaii trip winner.

| 如果還沒有參加比賽, 現在就報名吧!一旦報名你就獲得了一張抽獎券,另外,每邀請一個朋友註冊都能獲得一張抽獎券,增加了贏得大獎的機會。在我們的 尋找/邀請好友頁面使用各種方法開始邀請好友吧。贏取夏威夷遊的幸運會員一定要準備好護照和VISA文件—如果無法獲得簽證前往,我們將用二等獎做為替換(由劇組私家簽名的T恤、帽子、海報和DVD),並抽取另一名幸運會員前往夏威夷。

|如果还没有参加比赛, 现在就报名吧!一旦报名你就获得了一张抽奖券,另外,每邀请一个朋友注册都能获得一张抽奖券,增加了赢得大奖的机会。在我们的 寻找/邀请好友页面使用各种方法开始邀请好友吧。赢取夏威夷游的幸运会员一定要准备好护照和VISA文件—如果无法获得签证前往,我们将用二等奖做为替换(由剧组私家签名的T恤、帽子、海报和DVD),并抽取另一名幸运会员前往夏威夷。

Newly added to the contest: Personalized, autographed t-shirts, DVDs, posted, and hats

| 新增加的獎項:劇組私家簽名的T恤、DVD、海報和帽子。

| 新增加的奖项:剧组私家签名的T恤、DVD、海报和帽子。

We hope to be able to offer alot more opportunities like this to our community coming down the road, so please help us grow our community by inviting your friends on-board. Post about the contest to your Myspace, QQ, MSN Spaces, Facebook, Friendster, messageboards, etc... Use the Invitation URL included at the top of the Find/Invite Friends page to link back to the site and you'll receive a another entry for anyone who registers using the URL. It might be YOU sipping a mai tai with the "Heavenly Kings" and "Finishing the Game" guys in Honolulu.

NOTE: If you used the Find/Invite Friends page to email invitations to your friends last weekend (Friday, July 27-Sunday, July 29), we encourage you to email invitations to your friends again. A problem with our service provider's email servers caused alot of those invitation emails to not be sent. The problem has been fixed, but we'll need you to invite your friends again. Also, many of you were unhappily suprised that you were automatically subscribed to the profiles of the cast/crew of "The Heavenly Kings" and "Finishing the Game". At the request of several users, we've changed the entry procedure so that you can specify which profiles you with to become a fan of.

| 我們計劃今後不斷推出更多類似的活動,所以請幫助我們,向你的朋友們推薦我們社區。把這個比賽貼到你在Myspace、QQ、MSN Spaces、Facebook、Friendster、messageboards等空間裏。發送 尋找/邀請好友頁面上方的邀請URL,一旦有人通過這個URL實現註冊,你就能多得到一張抽獎券。在火奴魯魯跟《四大天王》和《Finishing the Game》劇組一起喝Mai Tai的幸運兒可能就是你!

註意:如果你上周末(周五7 月27 日-周日7 月29 日)通過尋找/邀請好友頁面發送過邀請給好友,我們希望你能重新發送郵件。因為當時郵件服務器出現問題,很多邀請郵件都沒有發送成功。現在問題已經解決,我們希望你能再次 發送郵件。另外,有些人對自動訂閱《四大天王》和《Finishing the Game》劇組人員的空間有些不開心,基於部分會員的要求,我們已經修改了訂閱空間的流程,你現在可以選擇想要成為誰的粉絲。

  | 我们计划今后不断推出更多类似的活动,所以请帮助我们,向你的朋友们推荐我们社区。把这个比赛贴到你在Myspace、QQ、MSN Spaces、Facebook、Friendster、messageboards等空间里。发送 寻找/邀请好友页面上方的邀请URL,一旦有人通过这个URL实现注册,你就能多得到一张抽奖券。在火奴鲁鲁跟《四大天王》和《Finishing the Game》剧组一起喝Mai Tai的幸运儿可能就是你!

注意:如果你上周末(周五7月27日-周日7月29日)通过寻找/邀请好友页面发送过邀请给好友,我们希望你能重新发送邮件。因为当时邮件服务器出现问题,很多邀请邮件都没有发送成功。现在问题已经解决,我们希望你能再次 发送邮件。另外,有些人对自动订阅《四大天王》和《Finishing the Game》剧组人员的空间有些不开心,基于部分会员的要求,我们已经修改了订阅空间的流程,你现在可以选择想要成为谁的粉丝。

ENTER THE CONTEST TO WIN A TRIP TO HAWAII!參加比賽,贏取去夏威夷旅遊的大獎!参加比赛,赢取去夏威夷旅游的大奖!

REPLY WITH YOUR REASON FOR WANTING TO GO TO HAWAII! | 請回復告訴我們,你為什麽想去夏威夷?!| 请回复告诉我们,你为什么想去夏威夷?!

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Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006