Official Artist
Andrew Lin
Actor , 3D / CAD Modeller or Animator , Painter
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Andrew's 1st blog entry 7/27/05 | 演員心聲(連凱)

Here it is:

Life is so confusing!! Especially actors. When you are not working, you are worry as hell, but when you do get a job and working crazy long hours, you want this hell to be over ASAP.

Luckily, I am working on a TV series that I think it would turn out to be something wonderful. The schedule is tight, and all the actors are doing something else on the side, including myself. We are working our ass off try to get it done by end of the month. Every one on the set looks like Zombies, cause we only sleep a few hours a day.  But actors and actresses has to look good for the camera, so everyone is trying all different kind of skin care products to hide their black eyes and pimples. that is all I have to say about my life for the last month and a half.

I missed my cat.  I feel really bad leaving her at the pet shop. Although the owner there is taking a very good care of her. Everytime when I have to work oversea, I have to send her there for vacation. (that is what I called it) at lease it makes me feel better. But I know she missed me though..  The look in her eyes says it all.  Hang on man!!!!   Just one more week, and I will be back home.  " May the Force be with me".




可是好彩!我這次接拍的連續劇,居然在那麼緊張的時間表裏,我們還能兼顧自己的事情(包括我自己)。我們為了要在月底煞青,個個捱得活像個喪屍,因 為每天頂多能睡幾個小時。不過不管是男演員也好,女演員也行,個個都有自己的化粧絕竅,在鏡頭前硬是能把黑眼圈和豆豆都給掩蓋起來。這就是我過去一個半月 的生活全貌。

我掛著我的貓!為了要把牠送進寵物店,我的感覺壞極了。雖然店裏的人對牠照顧得很好,可是,每次我要到海外去工作,我都得把牠送到那兒去「度假」 (我這麼說來安慰自己),這會讓我好過一點。其實我也知道牠想念我……,從牠的眼裏可以看得出。忍!再過一個禮拜我就回家了。有願就有力!

over 18 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.

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Hong Kong
Member Since
March 23, 2007