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Applause to BIOTHERM Homme|為碧歐泉鼓掌|为碧欧泉鼓掌

As my Wifey always says,  "hey you are not a teenager anymore, put some lotion on your face, they are cracking."   But do I listen?  NO...

As some of your might know I just had another birthday.  Meaning I am getting older by the day.

I do start feeling I need to take care of myself a little bit more.  Not only Physically but skin too.

Couple weeks ago, a friend gave me a set of Biotherm skin care product for man. 

I've been using them for more than a week now.  They are just wonderful, or magical should I say.  The special thing about this set is call " High Recharge", which is very straight to the point.  And That is just what I needed.  

If you are a man, or been around with men like a husband or boyfriend,  You know we don't like to put stuff on our face.  Not  so much of being lazy.  But It's just not a very manly thing to do.

Also we hate putting different product on the face every time we cleanse our face.  We want something simple and works.   No Bullshit!!

My favorite in the whole set is the design of the anti-fatique eye serum.  It is like one of those deodorant rollers,  you can just roll it around your eye and will take care of you fine wrinkles and dark circle around they eye from not getting enough sleep.  perfect stuff for an actor.

Anyway,  Just something I want to share with  you all.  


我老婆總是說:"嘿,你已經不是少年,往臉上抹些護膚品吧,已經在開裂了。"但我聽了嗎? 沒有...






如果你是男士,或者身邊有男士,比如丈夫或男朋友,你就知道我們不喜歡往臉上抹東西。並不是懶到那種地步,而是這種動作看起來不那麽 MAN。





我老婆总是说:"嘿,你已经不是少年,往脸上抹些护肤品吧,已经在开裂了。"但我听了吗? 没有...






如果你是男士,或者身边有男士,比如丈夫或男朋友,你就知道我们不喜欢往脸上抹东西。并不是懒到那种地步,而是这种动作看起来不那么 MAN。





As my Wifey always says,  "hey you are not a teenager anymore, put some lotion on your face, they are cracking."   But do I listen?  NO...

As some of your might know I just had another birthday.  Meaning I am getting older by the day.

I do start feeling I need to take care of myself a little bit more.  Not only Physically but skin too.

Couple weeks ago, a friend gave me a set of Biotherm skin care product for man. 

I've been using them for more than a week now.  They are just wonderful, or magical should I say.  The special thing about this set is call " High Recharge", which is very straight to the point.  And That is just what I needed.  

If you are a man, or been around with men like a husband or boyfriend,  You know we don't like to put stuff on our face.  Not  so much of being lazy.  But It's just not a very manly thing to do.

Also we hate putting different product on the face every time we cleanse our face.  We want something simple and works.   No Bullshit!!

My favorite in the whole set is the design of the anti-fatique eye serum.  It is like one of those deodorant rollers,  you can just roll it around your eye and will take care of you fine wrinkles and dark circle around they eye from not getting enough sleep.  perfect stuff for an actor.

Anyway,  Just something I want to share with  you all.  

15 年多 前 0 赞s  48 评论s  0 shares
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
OMG! Your turning into a woman. Don't do it!!!
15 年多 ago
10527800 995836987877 2229692523636585837 n
I use biotherme too.... Did they pay you to blog this? haha
15 年多 ago
haha ... take care brother :)
15 年多 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
And if the Biotherm doesn't quite do the job, well, plastic surgery is an option. Except no one blogs about that. I swear Hu Jun has had a little Botox on that once so uniquely wrinkled brow. ;-)
15 年多 ago
Photo 22991
cool thang, u're like doing an advert for Biotherm, maybe u should offer your services and get paid for it hehe
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Daniel's skincare habits are starting to rub off on you!
15 年多 ago
Photo 247143
同感啊~~~我也不喜歡洗臉的時候涂東西。。。 不過看了你的心得, 也確實該保養下自己了。。。
15 年多 ago
man, I've never used products until I moved to HK..now I'm a Shiseido Man all the way, baby!
15 年多 ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
does it work though... i mean the eye serum? BEFORE AND after picture please. I know Biotherm homme makes really good products for men and THEY SMELL GOOD TOO!!!!
15 年多 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007