Hello friends
My oil painting exhibition is coming up this wednesday. On the same night, we have another exhibition at UFO gallery , Dead art comes alive. Which is 2 minutes walk from Schoeni gallery. So make sure you check out both exhibitions that night. come by and support local artists.
see ya there.
there will be 50 Limited edition T-shirts with my design for sale on the day. And 15 sets of special embroidery art work too.
Here is something for your viewing pleasure. One of my older art work.
我周三的油畫展就要到了。同一天晚上,我們在UFO畫廊還有一場展覽,“Dead art comes Alive”(譯者註:逝去藝術的復活)。UFO畫廊距Schoeni畫廊只有兩分鐘行程,所以當晚請大家務必兩個個展覽都光顧,來支持一下當地的藝術家。
我周三的油画展就要到了。同一天晚上,我们在UFO画廊还有一场展览,“Dead art comes Alive”(译者注:逝去艺术的复活)。UFO画廊距Schoeni画廊只有两分钟行程,所以当晚请大家务必两个个展览都光顾,来支持一下当地的艺术家。
Hello friends
My oil painting exhibition is coming up this wednesday. On the same night, we have another exhibition at UFO gallery , Dead art comes alive. Which is 2 minutes walk from Schoeni gallery. So make sure you check out both exhibitions that night. come by and support local artists.
see ya there.
there will be 50 Limited edition T-shirts with my design for sale on the day. And 15 sets of special embroidery art work too.
Here is something for your viewing pleasure. One of my older art work.
I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.