Official Artist
Andrew Lin
Actor , 3D / CAD Modeller or Animator , Painter
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Eating "WORMS" for dinner | 蟲宴 | 虫宴 |夕食に「虫」を食す

I took some time during off -work hours and did a little bit sightseeing around the town and country side.  A very generous local goverment official offered to drive me around and be my tour guide. 

Qixia, Shan Dong is known for " The best apples in China".  Without further delay, the driver took us to do some apple picking.  I have never seen so many apples in my life,  There are acres and acres of land filled with apple trees.  Basically, everywhere we went ,there are a few apple tree farms nearby. So I did picked a bagful of them.  They are very sweet, tasty and huge too...

After that, we went to a local "Taoism" temple,  The main arch way entrance actually forms a "Tao" Chinese character.  I didn't notice that until the guide pointed out to me.

The generous goverment official

Finally around dinner time, the generous official offered us to have some local delicacies.  He took us to a very remote village an hour away from the city.  Thank god he had a big appetite, because half of the food he ordered, I will not dare to put them in my mouth.  There were different species of Bugs, Beetles and caterpillars.  He kept saying to me, " Don't worry, try it.  it is very crunchy and full of protein,  low in fat too".   So I ate it.... .............................just kidding!!

delicious cocoons

Although I feel skeptical about it, but after I did some research, they are really good for you.  Especially you gals out there, they are good for you skin. give it a shot next time when you  have a chance to taste one.

Here are a few more pics from work.

"Teaching the boy a lesson about the nutrition in insects"

Relaxing between scenes, getting a suntan. Imagine myself in Hawaii


山東棲霞以出產"中國最好的蘋果"聞名,所以司機直接就載我們到蘋果園摘蘋果。我還從沒看過這麽多蘋果,漫山遍野到處都是大片的蘋果樹, 我們所到之處總有蘋果園在附近。我摘了滿滿一口袋,真是又甜又脆又大…



 參觀結束到了晚餐時間,這位官員帶我們去吃本地特色。我們去了一個非常偏僻的村莊,從城裏開車過去大約一小時路程。天啊,他胃口真好,他點的菜有一半我根 本不敢放進嘴裏,那是各類蟲子、甲蟲和毛蟲。他一直勸我"別擔心,試試看。非常脆,而且都是低脂高蛋白"。所以我就吃 了.................................說說而已啦!!


 雖然我當時有疑慮,但研究之後發現它們真的對身體有好處,尤其你們女生,吃這些對皮膚好。所以如果有機會你要試試 看。




山东栖霞以出产"中国最好的苹果"闻名,所以司机直接就载我们到苹果园摘苹果。我还从没看过这么多苹果,漫山遍野到处都是大片的苹果树,我们所到之处总有苹果园在附近。我摘了满满一口袋,真是又甜又脆又大… 之后参观了当地的道观,入口的拱门具有中国传统"道"家风格。导游不指出来我还没注意到。 很不错的当地官员  参观结束到了晚餐时间,这位官员带我们去吃本地特色。我们去了一个非常偏僻的村庄,从城里开车过去大约一小时路程。天啊,他胃口真好,他点的菜有一半我根本不敢放进嘴里,那是各类虫子、甲虫和毛虫。他一直劝我"别担心,试试看。非常脆,而且都是低脂高蛋白"。所以我就吃了.................................说说而已啦!! 美味蚕蛹  虽然我当时有疑虑,但研究之后发现它们真的对身体有好处,尤其你们女生,吃这些对皮肤好。所以如果有机会你要试试看。 工作中的一些照片:"教授昆虫营养学" 拍摄间隙休息一下,晒晒太阳,彷佛还在夏威夷 |


山東の棲霞は中国で一番美味しいリンゴの生産地として有名なんだ。すぐに運転手がリンゴ狩りに僕らを連れてってくれたよ。今まで生きてきてこんなにたくさ んのリンゴを一度も見たことないってくらいに、広大な土地にリンゴの木が植えられてるんだ。基本的に僕らが行った至る所には近くにリンゴ園がいくつかあっ たから、リンゴを1袋分詰めたよ。すごく甘くて美味しくて、しかも大きいんだ…。



ようやく夕食の時間になった頃、親切な職員さんが僕らにいくつかご当地の珍味を食べに連れて行ってくれたよ。彼は市内から約1時間のところにあるすごく遠 い村に僕らを案内してくれたんだ。料理の半分は彼が注文した物だったんだけど彼が食欲旺盛な人でよかったよ、僕はとてもじゃないけどそれを口に入れる気に はなれなかったからね。いろんな種類の昆虫、甲虫、芋虫が並んでたんだ。「大丈夫だから、食べてみて下さいよ。歯応えもいいし、高蛋白で低脂肪なんです よ。」って彼があまりに勧めるから、まあ食べたけどね…







over 17 years ago 0 likes  56 comments  0 shares
Photo 33405
I've seen fried tarantulas for sale at a market before in Cambodia. That was pretty scary. I'll stick to apples too, thank you! :)
over 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
no thanks... and this does answer the question about the food being nasty. :-P
over 17 years ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
"How you like them apples!"
over 17 years ago
oh gross.but im glad the worms convinced u they are gd for u. and im sure they are.
over 17 years ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.

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March 23, 2007