Official Artist
Andrew Lin
Actor , 3D / CAD Modeller or Animator , Painter
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Happy Chinese New Year again!!|又一次祝大家春節快樂!!|又一次祝大家春节快乐!!

Wow!!  Another year huh?  Whew.....it went so fast.  But am I glad 2009 was over.   ButI wish everyone here on the site has a very happy Chinese new year, a very productive year for everyone.

I am currently on a break, but I was in Nanjing filming a TV drama.  I will be back there again after

Chinese year year.  But anyway, I would like to announce I will have my first Oil Painting exhibition in Hong Kong on the 15th of April til the 25th 2010 at Schoeni Gallery on Hollowood road, Central. Follow by a Beijing exhibition in June. So anyone who are in town during those period.  Please drop by and check it out!!

Here is a little taste of it.


Wow! 又是一年?呦....過得真快。雖然我很開心2009結束了,但我還是要祝願這個網站上的所有人一個格外開心的春節和一個高成效的新年。

我正在短期休假中,不過要在春節後回南京繼續拍一個電視劇。不管怎樣, 我要向大家宣布我在香港的第一個油畫展將於2010年4月15日至25日在中環 Hollywood街的Schoeni藝術館舉辦,接著是6月在北京的展出。所以,如果那時大家剛好在當地,就請來捧個場吧!


我正在短期休假中,不过要在春节后回南京继续拍一个电视剧。不管怎样, 我要向大家宣布我在香港的第一个油画展将于2010年4月15日至25日在中环 Hollywood街的Schoeni艺术馆举办,接着是6月在北京的展出。所以,如果那时大家刚好在当地,就请来捧个场吧!



Wow!!  Another year huh?  Whew.....it went so fast.  But am I glad 2009 was over.   ButI wish everyone here on the site has a very happy Chinese new year, a very productive year for everyone.

I am currently on a break, but I was in Nanjing filming a TV drama.  I will be back there again after

Chinese year year.  But anyway, I would like to announce I will have my first Oil Painting exhibition in Hong Kong on the 15th of April til the 25th 2010 at Schoeni Gallery on Hollowood road, Central. Follow by a Beijing exhibition in June. So anyone who are in town during those period.  Please drop by and check it out!!

Here is a little taste of it.

about 15 years ago 0 likes  49 comments  0 shares
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
Wish I could be there man. Love your work..always have always will. happy CNY!
about 15 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Very nice. Scary angle, he's like looking at you as his next meal.
about 15 years ago
Photo 504650
great stuff!
about 15 years ago
Photo 23936
amazing painting man
about 15 years ago
i will be there ... :)
about 15 years ago
Happy New Year Man! Looking forward to the exhibition!
about 15 years ago
Photo 80548
Happy CNY, Andrew!
about 15 years ago
Photo 247143
支持!!!! 画的不错!!
about 15 years ago
Photo 34109
almost 15 years ago
Photo 69762
YAY!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!
almost 15 years ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
March 23, 2007