演员, 3D/ CAD建模或动画, 画家
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I am Back Finally.|終於回來了|终于回来了

hello ladies and gentlemen

After two months of hard work,  I'd finally found some time to blog again.   Work has been great but stressful.   The work itself was interesting and fun, but dealing with people isn't.   Although I'd learn something about friendship this time though..   the lesson is pricey but worth it.

I did some cartoons for Aids Concern end of last year.  they are coming out  along with the AnD condoms finally.  The whole campaign is trying to get people to practice safe-sex.   I did a four different cartoons from four different messages or stories.  They are easy to read and easy to understand. 

As you might know already,  Aids concern are collaborating with 24 herbs on this campaign too.  24herbs did a song "Jiu Jo" and MV  just for this.  the song is awesome.   So the condom packages from Okamoto contains a cartoon,  there are four different types of condom packages,  and each of them has a different cartoon done by me.  They will starting passing them out on the street end of this month in Hong Kong. 

For those of you who don't live in Hong Kong.  Here are the cartoons for your viewing pleasure.

see ya soon.

see who can spot the little AnD hints on this cartoon below

This one below is a little graphic (18yrs or older)

                                                        |           各位先生女士,大家好嗎

兩個月的辛苦工作後,我終於有時間再次寫博客。工作很棒但也很緊張。工作本身很有趣,但跟人打交道卻並非如此。這次我對友誼有了另外的看法... 教訓的代價是高昂的,但是值得。

去年我為"關註艾滋"創作了系列漫畫,現在終於將與 AnD 安全套一起出版。這次活動是呼籲大家重視性的安全。我以4個不同的主題和故事創作了4副漫畫,它們都簡單易懂。

可能你已經知道,這次"關註艾滋"活動與 24 herbs 也有合作,24 herbs 專門為此創作了一首歌曲"照做",並拍攝了 MV,這首歌相當棒。所以 Okamoto(岡本)安全套將有4款不同套裝,而每套都包含我創作的一副卡通漫畫。這些安全套將於本月開始在香港街頭免費發放。



看誰能從下面這幅漫畫中找到小小的 AnD 標識

下面這幅有點露骨 (僅供18歲及以上人士觀看)

                                |           各位先生女士,大家好吗

两个月的辛苦工作后,我终于有时间再次写博客。工作很棒但也很紧张。工作本身很有趣,但跟人打交道却并非如此。这次我对友谊有了另外的看法... 教训的代价是高昂的,但是值得。

去年我为"关注艾滋"创作了系列漫画,现在终于将与 AnD 安全套一起出版。这次活动是呼吁大家重视性的安全。我以4个不同的主题和故事创作了4副漫画,它们都简单易懂。

可能你已经知道,这次"关注艾滋"活动与 24 herbs 也有合作,24 herbs 专门为此创作了一首歌曲"照做",并拍摄了 MV,这首歌相当棒。所以 Okamoto(冈本)安全套将有4款不同套装,而每套都包含我创作的一副卡通漫画。这些安全套将于本月开始在香港街头免费发放。



看谁能从下面这幅漫画中找到小小的 AnD 标识

下面这幅有点露骨 (仅供18岁及以上人士观看)

                                |           hello ladies and gentlemen

After two months of hard work,  I'd finally found some time to blog again.   Work has been great but stressful.   The work itself was interesting and fun, but dealing with people isn't.   Although I'd learn something about friendship this time though..   the lesson is pricey but worth it.

I did some cartoons for Aids Concern end of last year.  they are coming out  along with the AnD condoms finally.  The whole campaign is trying to get people to practice safe-sex.   I did a four different cartoons from four different messages or stories.  They are easy to read and easy to understand. 

As you might know already,  Aids concern are collaborating with 24 herbs on this campaign too.  24herbs did a song "Jiu Jo" and MV  just for this.  the song is awesome.   So the condom packages from Okamoto contains a cartoon,  there are four different types of condom packages,  and each of them has a different cartoon done by me.  They will starting passing them out on the street end of this month in Hong Kong. 

For those of you who don't live in Hong Kong.  Here are the cartoons for your viewing pleasure.

see ya soon.

see who can spot the little AnD hints on this cartoon below

This one below is a little graphic (18yrs or older)

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  48 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice hat!
接近 16 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i hate it when that happens! :-P
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 22991
yep the Alive Cap
接近 16 年 ago
haha~ great man!
接近 16 年 ago
10527800 995836987877 2229692523636585837 n
haha these are awesome, Andrew!! check out these aids posters by james jean: http://www.processrecess.com/?uid=C97ED4 I wanna draw some condoms too.
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 80548
Hey Andrew, HK must have missed you so much!! welcome back! Great to learn from what you do at work.
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 38281
haha real good stuff andrew! well hey! im coming to hk on the 12 and forsure this time we gota meet up! haha catch up soon man
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 247143
哈哈~ 画的很棒!~
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 61114
Dude, It was a war, a war that I'm still fighting but it was definitely a good fight. It was great working with you and I think the effects turned out amazing. I know you were stressed out but I hope you have some time now to relax and recoup and get MORE THAN 5 hours of sleep a night! We still gotta finish the interview so I'll talk to you soon!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 33405
Hey welcome back! Great cartoons.. good way to spread the message!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 23833
o no! quick! i must cover my virgin eyes. >_<
接近 16 年 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007