Yeah, Got your attention huh?
The higher you climb, the harder you fall. That is me now. It was hard coming back from a paradise and going straight back to work. I am currently suffering from a Post-Vacational Syndrome. Don't you all worry about me, I will be fine in a few more days...
Our THK screening went really well, so as the FTG screening too. It was awesome hanging out with Justin Lin and Roger Fan again this time. I've saw FTG once in LA, it was fun to see it the second time. Meeting Dustin Ngyuen was awesome, he is such a wonderful actor and a nice guy to hang out with.
The whole AnD posse were there in hawaii, except for Terence. we missed you bro!!
It was nice to meet up with our contest winner "link". Tony. What a great guy. Thank you for all your contributions to
我們的《四大天王》放映會非常順利,《Finishing the Game》也一樣。跟Justin Lin和範姜弘青再次見面很開心。之前我在洛杉磯看過FTG了,第二次再看也很有趣。認識Dustin Ngyuen真不錯,他是非常優秀的演員,也很好相處。
Conroy describing his dandruff problems at our THK screening
| 在我們《四大天王》放映會上,子聰談到他的頭皮屑問題。
The best asian american/australian actors and rottendoubt in a group photo
| 最優秀的亞裔美國/澳洲演員及rottendoubt的大合照
"This one is for you Daniel"
| “這是給你的,Daniel”
going nuts by the wakiki beach on the last morning in Hawaii
| 夏威夷最後一天的早晨在wakiki沙灘的瘋狂
"Sergeant Andrew" firing away on pearl harbour waterfront.
| “軍官Andrew”在珍珠港海邊開火
Nooooooo................ I don't want to leave hawaii...............
| 不………我不要離開夏威夷………
I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.