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more gruesome pictures from thai film | 泰國電影更多可怖照片|泰国电影更多可怖照片


I am back in Hong Kong. Here are more nasty pictures on set in thailand. Hopefully these pictures will help your appetite.  Feel the urge eating a pizza suddenly?

make-up crew doing the last touch ups before camera rolls|大家好,




我回香港了,这些是在泰国拍的电影更多剧照,希望它们让你胃口好。是不是忽然很想吃批萨?化妆师在开拍前做最后的调整 |「タイ映画での、さらにおぞましい写真」

やあ。香港に帰ってきたよ。今回は、タイの撮影現場で撮ったもっとすごい写真をアップするね。この写真を見て君達の食欲がわくといいんだけど。思わず、ピザを無性に食べたくなるんじゃないかな? カメラが回る前にメイクさん達が最終の化粧直しをしてくれてるところだね。

Karen was moaning over my stunt double (in the coffin.)

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  55 评论s  0 shares
Photo 23632
the pepperoni on you does look quite tasty...
大约 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, creepy eye! great stuff man!
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 33405
Thanks dude, I was eating my lunch when I saw your photos. I almost choked. I had to get out of your page really quick in order to keep eating... =P
大约 17 年 ago
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
Andrew! Looking good man!
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 39462
gruesome is an understatement . . . how long did that take?
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 36468
Once an actor friend of mine had something similar to your pizza face...Went home without cleaning up after wrap and woke up her boyfriend...He freaked out and was not happy with the midnight surprise!
大约 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
by the way, that guy in the coffin looks NOTHING like you... worst double EVER...
大约 17 年 ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
prettier and prettier each time my brotha.
大约 17 年 ago
Anya 5f anya
The special effects on you looks like when I ripped my own throat out for White Crane...anyways, Happy Chinese New Years!
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 55885
大约 17 年 ago
01 04 andrew
the name of the film is " Coffin"
接近 17 年 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007