演员, 3D/ CAD建模或动画, 画家
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For those of you who has been keeping track with my blog,  I was in Thailand for a month during February, and one month in Hong Kong filming.  Remember what I've said,  I am not an actor in the film.  Then what was I doing then?  Here is a picture that will explain it....

Yap!!  I was the Special Effects make-up artist for Josie Ho's new film "Dream Home".    I was building all the  props and prosthetics in thailand.   And afterwards we shot for 3 weeks straight of Special Effects Make-up in Hong Kong.  

It has been 14 years since I'd laid my hands on Special Effects,  It was nice to get back into it.  Josie asked me to help her with this new film projects of hers,  She knew I was a FX man back then,  She said she would like to have my expertise with this film.  I can not refuse.  So there I was.    Although I can not show you any more pictures yet.  But one thing I can said about the film is , this film is very very bloody.  And I had never seen a Hong Kong film with so many SFX make-up.  You can expect it hit the theatre in October 2009.

Any way, I spent a good month in Thailand,  I was very fun working on something else besides acting for a change.  I really like bangkok a lot.   Although the heat is a little unbearable.  But the food was so great.  I'd fell in love with the famous "Chicken rice and Mango with Sticky rice."


| Hello

如果你們一直有讀我的博客,就知道我為一部電影整個二月都待在泰國,之後在香港也拍攝了一個月。記得我曾說過,這部電影中我並沒有擔任演員,那做的是什麽? 這張照片為我作了解答....

是的!! 我為何超儀投資的新片《維多利亞壹號》擔任特效化妝師。我在泰國做好所有的道具和化妝工具,回到香港後,我們花了三周時間拍攝特效場面。

我放下特效工作已有 14 年時間,重拾老本行的感覺不錯。Josie 叫我幫她處理這部新片的特效,她知道我曾經是特效化妝師,她說想充分利用我的專業,我無法拒絕,所以就一起合作了。雖然我不能給你們看更多照片,但有一件事能說,那就是這部電影非常非常的血腥。我還從沒看到任何一部香港電影使用如此多的特效化妝。等到電影 2009 年 10 月上映時你就能一窺究竟了。



| Hello

如果你们一直有读我的博客,就知道我为一部电影整个二月都待在泰国,之后在香港也拍摄了一个月。记得我曾说过,这部电影中我并没有担任演员,那做的是什么? 这张照片为我作了解答....

是的!! 我为何超仪投资的新片《维多利亚壹号》担任特效化妆师。我在泰国做好所有的道具和化妆工具,回到香港后,我们花了三周时间拍摄特效场面。

我放下特效工作已有 14 年时间,重拾老本行的感觉不错。Josie 叫我帮她处理这部新片的特效,她知道我曾经是特效化妆师,她说想充分利用我的专业,我无法拒绝,所以就一起合作了。虽然我不能给你们看更多照片,但有一件事能说,那就是这部电影非常非常的血腥。我还从没看到任何一部香港电影使用如此多的特效化妆。等到电影 2009 年 10 月上映时你就能一窥究竟了。



| Hello

For those of you who has been keeping track with my blog,  I was in Thailand for a month during February, and one month in Hong Kong filming.  Remember what I've said,  I am not an actor in the film.  Then what was I doing then?  Here is a picture that will explain it....

Yap!!  I was the Special Effects make-up artist for Josie Ho's new film "Dream Home".    I was building all the  props and prosthetics in thailand.   And afterwards we shot for 3 weeks straight of Special Effects Make-up in Hong Kong.  

It has been 14 years since I'd laid my hands on Special Effects,  It was nice to get back into it.  Josie asked me to help her with this new film projects of hers,  She knew I was a FX man back then,  She said she would like to have my expertise with this film.  I can not refuse.  So there I was.    Although I can not show you any more pictures yet.  But one thing I can said about the film is , this film is very very bloody.  And I had never seen a Hong Kong film with so many SFX make-up.  You can expect it hit the theatre in October 2009.

Any way, I spent a good month in Thailand,  I was very fun working on something else besides acting for a change.  I really like bangkok a lot.   Although the heat is a little unbearable.  But the food was so great.  I'd fell in love with the famous "Chicken rice and Mango with Sticky rice."


接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  67 评论s  0 shares
Photo 51673
hey! i used to do fx makeup too! haven't done it for years. but i loved it!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 116281
Wow... cann't believe it... Yummy Yummy...Enjoy!!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 96013
I love thai foods^^...and pray for people in thailand for peaceful life now.
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 337367
OMG!! you got both of my favorite food in the world in this blog!!! I have to go back to bangkok every year just for these two dishes!! JEALOUS!!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 22991
looking good when serious at work too
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 82937
can't wait to watch the flim...
接近 16 年 ago
Elena dd unset 18
接近 16 年 ago
38935462 1233427286799200 7641701711072985088 n
It's interest to see the make-up u did!!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 71723
proud of u brother!!!!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 49572
我也是化妝師呢, 剛再次進修過一丁點特技化妝術~~當然沒你般熟手啦~~我一向很怕血腥的, 不過, 不得不承認.....是會愛上制造及設計的過程的~~ 可惜你唔收徒啦~~如果唔係....wakkaka..... ps: 收都未有我的份兒呢 -.- juz for fun, nice to meet u, haha....
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 53024
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 58618
I'd like to try some of that for kicks sometimes... I almost interned for a place in a slow freelance time but they were out of town and I didn't have a car. Yeah blood!
接近 16 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
looking good!
接近 16 年 ago
Just in time for Hallowe'en! Can't wait to see it.
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 248210
Awesome andrew!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 36943
Thats AWESOME! :)
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 320047
睇到你們買豬肺呀..haha 好coooooool!!
接近 16 年 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007