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Photos from CK event & TV drama set | CK活動及電視劇照片

Hey there

  here are a few photos from these couples days of work.  ranging from Hong Kong Calvin Klien event and the first day of Shan Dong TV drama

| 嘿,大家好 以下是最近工作的照片,其中有出席香港Calvin Klien活動及在山東拍攝電視劇第一天的定妝照。

| 嘿,大家好 以下是最近工作的照片,其中有出席香港Calvin Klien活动及在山东拍摄电视剧第一天的定妆照。

17 年多 前 0 赞s  58 评论s  0 shares
Photo 22991
Nice photos, thx for sharing. check out www.singaporebrides.com hee
17 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, i haven't seen you clean shaven in like months... if not years!
17 年多 ago
Photo 33405
Hey, I walked by Times Square the other day and stumbled upon the end of the Calvin Klein event and saw you guys there. There were so many people standing around trying to catch photos of you guys, I was stuck on the sides, couldn't see much. =P What was the event, a product launch? Thx for sharing photos...
17 年多 ago
Hi Andrew : 你幾時又再走呀..我看 pay TV ( TVB now ) 見到你的訪問.. =) take care bro..
17 年多 ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
I just found out that my mom and step-dad are coming to HK during the time I was planning on visiting you in Shandong. Were it anyone but family I would tell them I'm busy, but I guess parents come first .... I'll keep you informed as I learn more about their plans ....
17 年多 ago
Photo 23833
wow, ShanDong is where my family originally from, YanTai is beautiful. Have fun!~
17 年多 ago
hey Bro, r way too hot to be a teacher yo =P Take care there !!! Miss ya !!!
17 年多 ago
Hi 教主!! U add oil ar~~ U r the best!! My mum told me that she loves ur acting~~
17 年多 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007