Four days after Taiwan’s worst floods in half a century, Typhoon Morakot’s violence was finally over. But many are still trapped in their villages and the death toll can add up to 500+. Although the Taiwan government is doing something, but I feel they are not doing a very good job this time.
I am here to urge everyone please help out if you can by donate to red cross or jet li's one foundation.
thank you all
颱風在台灣島東部登陸,釀成 50 年來島內最嚴重的水災,至今已經數天時間,颱風莫拉克終於停止了肆虐。但仍有許多人受困於村莊,死亡人數也上升至 500多人。雖然台灣政府采取了一些措施,但我認為他們並沒有發揮很好的作用。
台风在台湾岛东部登陆,酿成 50 年来岛内最严重的水灾,至今已经数天时间,台风莫拉克终于停止了肆虐。但仍有许多人受困于村庄,死亡人数也上升至 500多人。虽然台湾政府采取了一些措施,但我认为他们并没有发挥很好的作用。
Four days after Taiwan’s worst floods in half a century, Typhoon Morakot’s violence was finally over. But many are still trapped in their villages and the death toll can add up to 500+. Although the Taiwan government is doing something, but I feel they are not doing a very good job this time.
I am here to urge everyone please help out if you can by donate to red cross or jet li's one foundation.
thank you all
I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.