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Time-lapse (some happy memories)|時光中的美好回憶|时光中的美好回忆

back in 2006 alive boys with our boss Mr. Willie chan

Back in the Alive days, when Alive boys were Santa Claus in a concert

I think this was my birthday party with fans back in 2005

The day we all celebrated Daniel's  "Best Upcoming Director of the year"

All these people in the photo performed on the stage that night.  That was also Alive's last show ever.

A day we celebrate Heavenly King's premiere

photo of my Birthday party this year

me and willie hanging out at Racks

The beautiful and elegant " mrs.Winnie chan"  My Mananger.

Looking at these photos really brought back some good memories for me and for some others too.


2006年,Alive 男孩與老板陳自強

回到 Alive 組合的日子,在一場演唱會上扮聖誕老人

這應該是我 2005年跟粉絲在一起慶祝生日


照片中的所有人當晚都參與了舞台演出,這也是 Alive 最後一次表演


我今年的生日 party 照片

我和 willie 在 Racks

我的經紀人 - 美麗而優雅的 Winnie chan 女士



2006年,Alive 男孩与老板陈自强

回到 Alive 组合的日子,在一场演唱会上扮圣诞老人

这应该是我 2005年跟粉丝在一起庆祝生日


照片中的所有人当晚都参与了舞台演出,这也是 Alive 最后一次表演


我今年的生日 party 照片

我和 willie 在 Racks

我的经纪人 - 美丽而优雅的 Winnie chan 女士



back in 2006 alive boys with our boss Mr. Willie chan

Back in the Alive days, when Alive boys were Santa Claus in a concert

I think this was my birthday party with fans back in 2005

The day we all celebrated Daniel's  "Best Upcoming Director of the year"

All these people in the photo performed on the stage that night.  That was also Alive's last show ever.

A day we celebrate Heavenly King's premiere

photo of my Birthday party this year

me and willie hanging out at Racks

The beautiful and elegant " mrs.Winnie chan"  My Mananger.

Looking at these photos really brought back some good memories for me and for some others too.

15 年多 前 0 赞s  63 评论s  0 shares
yea!!! full of good memories !!! was nice to play with u and amanda in macau !! hahaahah.... mad fun!!
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
who's that handsome guy in the back!
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
so young and dapper!
15 年多 ago
Koolcampus 25 logo kteam medium
TIME FLIES, right? TIME and TIDE wait for no man. We should always treasure friends and loved ones around us, they told us a zillion times. MEMORIES are made of these, man. I tell myself, I keep on reminding myself.
15 年多 ago
2015 01 15 17 dot 33 dot 28
nice pictures!
15 年多 ago
good luck over there andrew, bobby and I will be joining you sometime next year ;-)
15 年多 ago
Photo 48619
Man the Film Awards thing we did was nuts....so much fun.
15 年多 ago
Photo 69762
miss u dude
15 年多 ago
Photo 80548
a great pic!
15 年多 ago
Photo 71183
Andrew put us to shame, I swear he took down so many drinks and was still standing!
15 年多 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007