Official Artist
Andrew Lin
Actor , 3D / CAD Modeller or Animator , Painter
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hello boys and girls

    First of all, I would like to welcome all of you to our new site. After months and months of hard work it is finally done.  I would like to thank our behind the scene Alive team, Patrick, stephen, mark and boon for working their asses off trying to get the site done before our performance for the HK academy award,  So we can publish the event on the website.  They did an awesome job didn't they? I love it.  Thanks guys.

   Wow, so many new gadgets and tools I can play with on the site.  Each artist's page was designed according to their liking. For example on my page, I wanted a Da vinci drawing on the top page along with my photos.  Since I am more of an art person.  I think that would be a good symbol which can show my characteristic.  And with the earth tone colors that I like, which kind of show my personality too.  With all these new tools, I will try to update my blog entries often and I can update more information like events and shows which I will be attending. The recent film projects I am working on, or news.  I will also upload some of my art work including sculptures and my custom 12" figures in the photo sections.  So this site will be rich in content.  I also like the interactions between the artists, their friends and fans. I think all of you will enioy it too.

   Finally, I would like to thank my homeboy Terence Yin for putting this website together.  For the past 6 months, he has been working like a maniac, with long hours sitting in the office or running around trying to line up sponzors and etc..  All I can say is " You did a incredible job, I love you man"



    首先要歡迎大家訪問我們的全新網站。在日以繼夜的辛苦工作後,我們終於完成了!我要在這裡感謝Alive幕後團隊,Patrick, Stephen, Mark。非常謝謝他們能夠在我們到香港電影金像獎頒獎典禮上演出之前,順利地做出這個網站。我們才能在網站上發佈好多消息。他們做了很了不起的事情!我愛這個網站。多謝了,朋友們!




    首先要欢迎大家访问我们的全新网站。在日以继夜的辛苦工作后,我们终于完成了!我要在这里感谢Alive幕后团队,Patrick, Stephen, Mark。非常谢谢他们能够在我们到香港电影金像奖颁奖典礼上演出之前,顺利地做出这个网站。我们才能在网站上发布好多消息。他们做了很了不起的事情!我爱这个网站。多谢了,朋友们!



almost 18 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.

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Hong Kong
Member Since
March 23, 2007