Hong Kong Christmas Advertising takes a new twist!
Ladies can now demand "Screwing Magic" from their men!
Or is it the other way around?
This ad is on the KL exit side of the Cross Harbor Tunnel.
Last week I booked out totally on shoots.
"Neighbors" a Focus on Film production.
It was so...Read more
Last week's activities centered around but was not limited to climate change and the environment.
Outgoing Mayor of Toronto Mr. David Miller shares his experience with the fight for funds to initiate the changes the City of Toronto needs to reduce it's carbon footprint.
Every thousand years, I test each life system in the Universe. I visit it with mysteries, earthquakes, unpredicted eclipses, strange craters in the wilderness... If these are taken as natural, I judge that system ignorant and harmless - I spare it. But if the Hand of Ming is recognized in these events, I judge that system dangerous to us. I call upon the great god Dyzan, and for his greater glory...
... and for our mutual pleasure... I destroy it utterly.
Flash Gordon (1980)...<...Read more
Video: http://vimeo.com/15921621
Team Filmshop's submission to the Hong Kong 48 Hour Film Project.
Watch it, hear it, feel it!
Going head over heels for action?
I call them Shadow Warriors. Not because they have mastered the black arts and strike from darkness. ...Read more
By now you have read Bey Logan’s earlier blogs on Red Dawn Rising and have seen our photos. I defer movie commentary to his blogs as he never ceases to amaze me being the living anthology of the Kung Fu Movie Genre.
All I can give you is the Abbot’s View