Andrew Wang
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5 Indisputable Ways To Make A Woman Feel Understood In Relationships

What up everyone!

Here's my latest entry which I'll be posting up on my main dating blog for men. http://www.absolutedatingtips.com

Let me know what your thoughts are. They'd very much be appreciated!

*Make an effort.Letting your attention wander off while she’s talking and inserting ‘hmm’s and ‘okay’s at opportune moments isn’t the way to go. Actually listening to what she has to say and offering sage advice will get her to begin to trust you and open up even more. She’ll appreciate an actual sentence over a nod of the head any day. Draw limits though; if she goes overboard, you need to opt out with a quick ‘I don’t think I have anything else to add’ before the endless whining begins. *Ask the first question. Instead of waiting for her to open up to you, ask her how she’s feeling and be ready to offer a sympathetic shoulder. It’ll make you seem empathic and concerned about her, resulting in a deeper bond of trust. However, if you've only started seeing this girl, don't fall into the 'friends category' where you carry her emotional baggage. *Offer gifts.No, not a Mercedes. If she’s feeling down, stop by the fridge, pick up an ice cream and tell her you’ve brought something to hopefully cheer her up. If she’s elated, surprise her with a small congratulatory present. It doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be thoughtful. Even better yet, home-made. ‘Here, I made this for you’ sounds much better than ‘Here, I bought this for you at the dollar shop’. *Ask for her advice. Better yet, follow it. Soliciting her opinion on your matters will maker her feel like an equal in your relationship, which is important in today’s modern, democratic society. Following her opinion will make her feel like you value and respect her point of view, which is bonus points for you, my friend. *Compromise. Don’t be a bull head and insist you’re right all the time. And even if you are, that doesn’t mean you have to obstinately stand your ground. A little compromise goes a long way; in her eyes, it’ll make you seem more reasonable and understanding, not a dismissive MCP (girl-jargon for Male Chauvinist Pig). A relationship is a two-way street, if you insist on going one way all the time, the system breaks down. 

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CEO, Artist, Producer, Designer of LUXLIVIN Entertainment & Midas Reach (Digital Marketing Co.) allurrewang.com luxlivinonline.com midasreach.com Wh


August 15, 2008