Official Artist
Andrew Wang
Composer , Fashion / Costume Designer , Graphic Designer
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LUXLIVIN "Reign Supreme" Classic Streetwear Polo Photoshoot

What up everyone! I've been behind with my blog updates lately, but faring quite well on http://www.streetwearxhiphop.com   Shame on me! lol.

To keep everyone updated, I just got a new offer to manage a club (IBIZA) here in Bangkok, plusI've got my usual routine product developments to complete too... so free time is really not something I'm having luck with. My past few weeks feel like it was only yesterday.

Anyways, I've just spent the past few hours working on our "Reign Supreme" Streetwear Polo Collection...

For the meantime, check out the lookbook and let me know what you think!


Yes, I selected all final pictures, and had to edit them myself. I enjoyed the laborious work though =) It feels good seeing the growth I've acquired in my line..

What's next? Trucker hats + Season 5.

I also interviewed DJ Noodles recently..first female DMC champ ever

Check it out at http://www.streetwearxhiphop.com And finally..

Me.Poor pose I know. Forgive me =)

Hope you guys enjoy. Have a great day! I'll be back with more great news.


over 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Photo 101683
like this one its swaggerful
over 15 years ago


CEO, Artist, Producer, Designer of LUXLIVIN Entertainment & Midas Reach (Digital Marketing Co.) allurrewang.com luxlivinonline.com midasreach.com Wh

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August 15, 2008