Official Artist
Andrew Wang
Composer , Fashion / Costume Designer , Graphic Designer
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Why I've been Inactive...Sigh

I'm back guys... been way too inactive lately.

Reasons are...

  1. Been working on the transition to LUXLIVIN's new office, which is now twice the size... and the recruitment process for highly qualified staff can be a grueling process.

  2. My social life kind of dimmed a bit, as I've been clocking heavy hours trying to complete all my books... I have 4 ready to go, and 4 more to finalize.

Well, I want to thank all those who drop by, and I look forward to meeting more new faces on here!

Have a great day, and stay phenomenal!

Andrew Wang


LUXLIVIN Entertainment


almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


CEO, Artist, Producer, Designer of LUXLIVIN Entertainment & Midas Reach (Digital Marketing Co.) allurrewang.com luxlivinonline.com midasreach.com Wh

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Member Since
August 15, 2008