Alien Ang
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A tough week...

It's been a really tough week after i got back from taipei. Lots of work were left hanging around in office while i was away and once i got back, everything has to be running at the same time to meet the deadlines, argh! Sometimes i wonder when musicians like us are always so busy and tight with our schedule, but yet the industry is always declining and shrinking. What's wrong man?   Are our efforts and sacrifices not producing enough inflow of income back into the record companies pockets? So please people, support original music so that music never dies! well sorry i'm just complaining haha...

anyway i've uploaded all the photos that i took at the Man Utd match and my taipei trip. I had lots of fun in KL watching my favorite team and like what my girlfriend said, i forgot about her once my team steps out onto the pitch haha...

i met some wonderful and famous producers and musicians in taipei, some of whom i've always admired and respected.

this is 陳復明老師。He's wrote numerous hit songs and produced numerous platinum albums. He's the master who brought out 伍思凱。“快樂天堂”,“走在陽光里”,等等。。就是陳復明老師寫的。

i'm tired and i think it's time to go rest. have a great weekend guys! it's coming!!

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english, mandarin, hokkien
October 18, 2008