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Alien Ang
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Birthday with my friends...

Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes =) very touched... but feel so old at the same time haha... i think when it reaches my age, i guess birthdays are kind of scary as it adds on to your age haha.. but i always cherish birthdays because i have lots of fun with my friends 

my gaming pals and greatest bunch of friends celebrated my birthday 2 days back. JJ is not around in singapore and my girlfriend was working, sad, but we had lots of fun. they bought a shoe for me (haha new shoe again). it's a Vans Mountain Edition Hi Mid white shoe, very classic indeed and best match for any clothings. i love the shoe, thanks guys! =) bought my favorite pandan cake from bengawan solo too. this is the 3rd year in a row i had this cake. the guys are sick of it, (i'm a bit too), so next year we're definitely going to have something different, for sure!

here are the pictures, everyone have a great weekend, miss sharing my music and stuffs here with everyone but will be back soon again. cheers!

From top left: Eric, Lloyd, Me, Jasmine, Weiyuan

From mid left: Wendy, Amy

From bottom left: Tony, Jason, Han Yong

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares


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