Alien Ang
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Happy National Day!

Happy National Day!

Anyway, did some shopping recently. Got myself a new pair of Vans! Latest in town from LEFTFOOT. The LEFTFOOT guys are great, Anthony, Kevin. They are always so friendly whenever we go down to the store. I don't go down that often as compared to my pals Eric and JJ but they are always still so friendly. Pictures of the shoe:

Got myself a Paul Frank iphone case from the apple online store too My previous case was really thrashed. It just kept peeling off. Guys, if u have an iphone, don't ever get the "air jacket" case. The back part of the case just keeps peeling. I guess it's just not made for our humid weather here, always so hot. It sort of melted away and starts peeling.

Gonna go practice my piano and guitar. Haven't done this for a long long time, fixing up my pedals, effects, etc. Makes me feel like i'm back to my secondary school days haha... but please, no pledge thingy though...

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  17 评论s  0 shares
Dsc 1374
i can totally understand. especially the ALP part and building of the stadium (i was combat engineers). think i forgot about 8.22pm i was on the train lol. but i stole some glimpse of it last night and it seems like they are 'mobilizing' because the parade was 'attacked by terrorist' and a few bomb was planted around the floating platform etc. anyway nice shoes! happy national day bro
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 453287
hehe,nice ~
接近 15 年 ago



english, mandarin, hokkien
October 18, 2008