16 month vaccines completed !
LuxMed Medical Lounge, Vaccination for infants and children, probably the best child vaccine medical lounge in Hong Kong, which maintains a strict set of policies on vaccine storage and warehousing management with up-to-standard cold chain and surveillance of vaccine delivery.
Getting your child vaccinated on time will help protect him or her against different types of vaccine preventable diseases. At visits at LuxMed, doctor discusses with parents the recommended vaccines for your child's age. Book a well child visit at LuxMed to know if your child is up to date with all recommended vaccines. � Vaccination list for children: �Rotavirus DTaP- Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis �HiB- Hemophillus Influenza type B Meningococcal conjugate vaccine �Hepatitis A �MMRV - Mumps, Measles, Rubella, Chickenpox�Japanese Encephalitis vaccine �So grateful to be able to protect Sebastian against Hepatitis A infection & other nasty diseases. If certain vaccination doses are missed or delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, a catch-up vaccination schedule is advised as per standard guidelines. �First thing you need to do if your child has missed scheduled vaccines is to call LuxMed immediately! They send timely reminders to our regular registered clients. �Book your child's next vaccination visit with LuxMed Medical Lounge�For more information :�CONTACT�Room 1429, 14/F, Ocean Centre, Harbour City, No.5 Canton Road, TST, HK�More details of LuxMed medical lounge, please check out here www.luxmed.hk
以下是寶寶需接種的疫苗: 口服輪狀病毒疫苗 五合一疫苗(白喉、破傷風、 非細胞性百日咳、乙型嗜血桿菌及不活化小兒麻痺混合疫苗) 乙型嗜血桿菌疫苗 腦膜炎雙球菌疫苗 甲型肝炎疫苗 麻疹、腮腺炎、德國麻疹、水痘混合疫苗 日本腦炎疫苗
電話: (852) 3725 5500 (香港專線)
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