Official Artist
Ankie Beilke
Actor , Model
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Be sure to catch Ankie Beilke at the Hong Kong Book Fair's autograph session. Monday Afternoon at 4pm at the HK Convention Center!

Be sure to catch Ankie Beilke at the Hong Kong Book Fair's autograph session. Monday Afternoon at 4pm at the HK Convention Center!

Ankie Beilke autograph session at the Hong Kong Book Fair - 2011香港書展貝安琪簽名會活動 www.alivenotdead.com

2011香港書展貝安琪簽名會活動 簽名時段: 25 JULY 2011 MONDAY 地點:簽名會B區 (博覽道入口大堂) 150簽名紙籌,先到先得,請到一代匯集1C-D38或吳興記3D-B26索取 首150名購買其瑜伽DVD即送李錦記低鹽豉油500mL一支, 讓你學習瑜伽之餘食得更健康!

over 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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