Official Artist
Apple Chan
Actor , Model
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Autosave 06/23/11 04:50:35

It has been long since i last danced.

It felt so good to groove to the music once again and sweat it all out.This is Choco, my dance partner..

actually rather our audience =) very adorable ya? Thanks to 狄易達 for the dance choreography!

After two days of rehearsals, our show finally started officially on Monday!

It was a long and tiring day as it was the first episode but it was a whole new good experience for me =)

What do you think of my outfit for the show? love it or hate it, thats the way it is. haha..

posing for the media

 2F ( friendly and funny) 阮少祥

Gorgeous 伍詠薇

producer 錢國偉

The whole theme for 變身男女chok chok chok (debuting on 3rd July)

see you and be back for more updates!


over 13 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha ha, like the power rangers, one in each color. :-P
over 13 years ago


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