Official Artist
Arend M. Remmers
Director , Screenwriter
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Guerilla's Blood

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu4pMB75iYc Concerning martial arts movie-making, I am striving for drama, realism, toughness and most of all a fighting style and techniques that fit both the characters and the setting of the story.

I am primarily working as a screenwriter, so for me the script, the story and the characters, no matter what genre, are always the most important parts of the whole working process. Because in the end that's what movie making is: story-telling.

When it comes to fight choreographies, I believe that the more the audience is caught up in the story and the more it knows or can relate to the characters who are fighting, the more compelling the fight is itself. Believable techniques and a dramatically scripted choreography further add up to an intoxicating martial arts movie experience.

That's what my collaboration with martial artist Eskindir Tesfay is all about. Me behind and him infront of the camera as lead actor and choreographer.

We are currently working on the movie "Guerilla's Blood". Check out our first little teaser above.

I am writer, director, editor and producer on this project, which I developed with Eskindir Tesfay (lead actor, choreographer and executive producer). -> www.eskindirtesfay.com

The movie is produced by Lopta Film (loptafilm.com).  Producers: Reza Brojerdi, Adrian Topol, Nick Guido van Ginneken. Executive Producers: Maximilian Haas and Eskindir Tesfay

about 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


Hi, I am screenwriter from Berlin, Germany.

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February 13, 2009