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Ashley Angell
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I saw this on Facebook today and it disgusted me.

1) Polygamy is illegal in Australia and carries a 5 year jail term. If they tried to claim multiple spouses; they'd be charged and prosecuted; end of story, really, 2) The Centrelink Computer system isn't even DESIGNED to handle multiple spouses; so they couldnt get partner bonuses, even if they wanted too (unless they were being deliberately deceitful), 3) The total number of people on welfare of working age, has slowly been decreasing since 2002 - and today there are 4% less people on welfare than in 2007, 4) Muslims in Australia (on average) have more education than non muslims- 21% of Muslim Males have an university degree, compared to 15 non-Muslims. Usually people with higher education, don't end up with multi-generational, long term welfare dependancy, 5) 45% of all welfare payments are to older people on the Aged Pension. This number is going to grow faster than any other demographic group on Social Security. This is the ACTUAL reason that Social Security costs the country as much as it does. 6) While its true SOME instances (less than 50) of islamic relationships are polygamous, there are White/Non-Muslim men who had more than one de facto wife who claimed Centrelink payments (illegally and fraudulently).

This isn't about muslims - its about fraud. And there are already laws in place to handle it. There are far far far more WHITE people committing social security fraud than there are Muslims and maybe we should equally police EVERYONE rather than target a very very small slice of the population and blame them for all our problems...


over 8 years ago 6 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Brisbane, Australia