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Ashley Angell
Web / Multimedia Designer
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Making friends was never easy for me. I am not sure exactly where it stems from; but nothing makes me feel more unsettled than not understanding my place with people..

I desperately longed as a child/teenager to hear the words "I am your friend" from the people I felt safe and close too - but of course the world doesn't provide you labels like that.

So imagine my annoyance and frustration to learn, after all these years that nothing has changed - and that I still feel like the same insecure child I did all those years ago, desperately wanting to know exactly what was going on; and to know (for good or for bad) where I stand with people.

I wonder if that need to feel like you belong; will ever go away?


almost 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Brisbane, Australia