If you are a photographer (or know of any other photographers) and have creative (but not too crazy) ideas for our band photo please contact us... ASAP
Unfortunately we can only pay you with food, drinks, free cd's, free merchandise, love/respect and most importantly...your name credited on the photo whenever it's used for press/publicity purposes.
So contact us... with some demo shots perhaps... and hopefully we can work something out soon!
Hope to see everyone soon at our next gigs!!!
Here are September's shows!
And Last but not least... Check out what Mathew Blaize did!!!
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG9oyc9_CfM& Visit this dude's page! If you haven't already... He has a lot of sweet animations!!!
And just to recap - Photographers, shows and Mathew Blaize...
See you all soon.... Rock on!