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Journey Journey Journey

Yeah... The last blog I wrote half a awake...

Damnit!  We are opening for Journey!!!!

Have you even seen their CV??? 

(Wiki of Journey HERE)

Wow! I hope Audiotraffic can have a CV like that... so far we've opened for Mansun, Rialto and The Tears...

Do you even know about the story of Journey's new singer Arnel?

It's nuts!!! It's like a fairytale (as Jun Kung once quoted).... The guy is a super talented singer who got discovered on youtube by the band and then BOOM!  He's now the lead singer of the band he worshiped!!!  The power of the internet man!

Have you heard their latest album... I didn't even know that Arnel recorded the new songs and rerecorded the classics!  That's a lot of work... Props to Arnel and the band!

I hope you guys will come see the show if you can!  It's an opportunity to see a legendary band!

Oh.. yeah and we'll be there too!  Opening with a short set!  Man what an honour!

And you gotta see the smiles of disbelief on Glenn and Ferdie's face when they are on stage... When they first knew ... Glenn thought it was BS and Ferddie thought we were opening for 'Junny'... Waakakakakaka....

Tickets - https://www.cotaiticketing.com/VCLTicketing/event.do

Come come come! 


almost 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
Photo 43244
DUDE! You guys are opening for JOURNEY? THat is huge man!!! I'll be there with OPEN ARMS! But afterwards, we'll have to go our SEPARATE WAYS. Just remember....DON'T STOP BELIEVING in yourselves. And, I'll always be here for you FAITHFULLY. ROCK!
almost 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
thats awesome... Don will be the next Arnel!
almost 16 years ago
Paradox din 81 20131002 din 116 edit
oh man!!! I LOVE JOURNEY!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 34128
Mad props to you guys. That's great news. I wish I could see the show. Sometimes, it's hard living in Beijing.
almost 16 years ago


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