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All Things Asian

I mentioned last week attended a showing of the documentary film, Richard Aoki.  Films like these are important to see where Asians have been, and look at where they are going.  Nowadays, everyone takes for granted things like Asian American Studies, and being Asian....but there was a time not too long ago when you were an Oriental..........and you don't have any problems because you are the model minority that has made it!  Asian American Studies had to be fought for, and this is part of that story.  Richard Aoki was one of the Asian Leaders during the Third World Strike at UC Berkeley in 1969, he was one of the founding members of the Asian Studies Department at Berkeley, and at that time the only Asian Member of the Black Panther Party, he served as a bridge between Asian Students and Black Students on Campus.  The film chronicles his life and examines the conditions that led to the strike and give a glimpse into the workings of the Black Panther Party.  While BPP is most famous for their shotgun patrols in their community, often times people don't know that they began many of the free health clinics and free lunch programs, they also help organize against the War in Vietnam and Cambodia........and that their leadership were not street gangsters, but Vietnam Vets and College Students.  They were eventually targeted by the FBI for elimination.....and their leadership were either killed or framed for different crimes. This film provides a different view of America....from the point of view of the oppressed.........too often it's easy to think everything is great.....cause you can have your car, your pad, and go out and enjoy your self............you can forget that right down the corner somewhere in your city is someone who has no place to live and no food to eat.........things have changed somethings got better, some remain the same........we're still fighting wars somewhere.........global warming is still occurring......afterwards many of the youth at the showing asked what should they do............that is a good question, looking at Richard's life..............he always stressed the importance of being on top of things........you have to get yourself in the know and do something.......read, research, then act.  When this film is finished please check it out......it's food for thought and action.  The film was shown at the Eastside Arts Alliance in East Oakland.  The center there is nurturing and supporting works by Latino, Asian, and Native American Cultural workers that are not part of the mainstream.  Special thanks should be given to Ben Wang and Mike Cheng for putting together the rough cut........hope you guys get the funding you need to finish your project!!

Richard Aoki(center) was one of the Asian Leaders of the Third World Strike at UC Berkeley, and served as the first Department Chair for the Asian American Studies division.  On far left is Dr. Harvey Dong, currently a professor in the Asian American Studies Department, his students began the documentary project on Richard's life

Since we are talking about things Asian..............congrats to Barack Obama.........definitely the winds of change are blowing...........many challenges still to face.............first test can he heal the Democractic Party??  Will there be a woman vice presidential candidate??  That would be two major changes in the American Political landscape............hmm.....

  Honu's is a new Hawaiian Restaurant in Japantown, has good food and good music...is a small slice of Hawaii in San Francisco.

Honu's has a nice Hawaiian flavor to the interior.  Friday nites they have Hawaiian Bands playing there.  I am a great fan of Hawaiian food, if you have been to Ono's or Hukilau, Honu's is way better!!

 For those of you who like all things Hawaiian........Japantown  has a new Hawaiian Restaurant, Honu's.  It's in the Post Street Mall......and the food is fabulous..........Machiko Chicken, Saimin, Poki, Kaliua Pig.....and much more in addition on Fridays they have Hawaiian Music Bands jamming there.............and oh yes, they have a bar too!  So if you are in Japantown check it out............me I am going there for lunch....cya!

about 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
I'm going to go eat there for lunch on Thursday with Cass. Want to join us? We're meeting at Kinokuniya at 12:30 if you're interested.
about 16 years ago


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