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bryant fong
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Intention to Peace

Yeah, intention------yi, is the key to much of Chinese Culture, without proper intention nothing proceeds correctly.  Taiji without intention is just dancing......wushu without it's martial arts intention is just gymnastics..........the movement must express it's martial intent inorder to have the correct power and speed.....the movement then becomes explosive and has real power.   Too often in life we forget this lesson.......you can look at the current state of our economy........bailout with no intent leads to nothing.....Bush is just throwing money at things to try and keep it afloat.......but it's not about trying to fix anything......the intent is merely to survive.........indeed, the intent must be to resolve the problem at all cost.......even if it means some things must fail......you cannot have success without failure.  Saving the big guys without helping the rest of society doesn't cut it.......the banks were given money to lend to get the ball rolling....instead they are just hoarding the money given to do who knows what.....but it doesn't translate into anything for the masses.  So of course, correct intention is key.........in Taiji a punch must still be a punch.....with power, correctly aligned, properly delivered, and accurately targeted.  Well, Bush has missed his mark and is delivering the money wildly..........missing the American Public by a wide margin!!  One of my students asked what can we do in the face of great chaos....evil seems so much stronger than good.  Yeah, it seems that way because evil goes out of it's way to let you know it is powerful........but good happens all around us quietly in the background........it's effects ripple thru society  and can  causes great upheavals.......but it builds up slowly like  the ripples in a pool.  On Good Morning America, they interviewed two guys at a job.....one of them gave up his job so the other could continue to work and support his family............an example some of our executives in big business need to learn from!!  Again what is your intent?!  Speaking of that in this time of celebration and holiday......it is important to remember others.....that there are many who are not so fortunate......please give to help others.  To my students please remember we are trying to raise money to help those YMCA members who can no longer afford it's services because of lost of job or income........many need financial aid....also, for our branch of the YMCA to continue we need to raise money to keep it's services going....please join me in helping to raise money for the Y.  I realize this may be a somber comment on our times........but again this is a time of rebirth and hope....let's celebrate in that spirit and lend a hand.  It's all about intention!!  Merry Xmas everyone...Peace!

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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December 27, 2007