Official Artist
bryant fong
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Kicking Back

Have not had a chance to relax for awhile.......finally not too many things to do as City College winds down gotta turn in my grades still...........check on the results for CalWushu promotions.  Got a chance to see Iron Man....that was kool I have been a fan since my days in college.  They made excellent use of cgi...making it realistic and plausible..........on the other hand Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull.............ending I thought was too hokey.......aliens are okay...but from another dimension..........tried to be one of those old saturday morning cliff hangers on TV......but didn't quite make it....it was entertaining though......and has made a lot of money so it's ok...but I would only give it a 5.5.............Iron Man gets an 8!!  Haha..........anyway all in good fun. 

Sorry, if you went looking for us.....we did not have enough lion dancers this weekend so we were not able to go out this weekend......too many people out of town...............but next weekend is another group......so hope they get it together.  In the meantime......want to thank the students of our Saturday Taiji Class for their donations for the Earthquake Victims.  Thanks a lot!!  Gotta get ready for class now....but I thought I would post Cass's video of the Tiger Claw Earthquake Benefit..........Tiger Claw will have a DVD available of the entire 3 hour performance.....so look for that and buy a copy!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_KhPtbVSPQ&feature=related

about 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
oh ... great editing work !!! well done !!! they looks awsome !!! ADI
about 16 years ago
Photo 31454
Hi Sifu Fong wow that was awesome
about 16 years ago


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Member Since
December 27, 2007