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Quest II

Quest for the Best was Sifu Tat Wong's event.......run by his daughter Ka-Yan.....was a good event for a first time...about  125 or so competitors........the Disney Medals were great.....Mickey Mouse no less!!  I think it lacked a little in terms of it's own identity......seemed anti-climatic after the Tiger Claw Elite and the evening show the day before.  Though it was a nice event for Sifu Wong's school......it's nice to have the luxury of having a big enough school that it doesn't matter how many people show up.  But it was a fun event easy on the judges and we finished early!

Sifu John Whal opened the Quest with the traditional lion dance.

Kenny Perez and Dina helped with the Wushu judging, and their student Adam again showed up to win the wushu events.  But Kenny Leu our Cal wushu Rep never showed.......slept and then went to the airport!

Winners in the 3 Star competition.  Alex Whitlow again was the junior winner, showing he could perform both Choy Lay Fut and contemporary Wushu.

Sifu Kam Lee of Florida helped with the Taiji Judging.  It was great to meet another Chen Style Taiji Master.  He and I performed the night before with Sifu Tat Wong's Student's during the Disney Wide World of Sports Performance.

It was good to visit the east coast....I had not been back  there in about  10 years........want to thank Tiger Claw for the invite and also to Sifu Wong and Ka-Yan and the student's of Sifu Wong's school.....also was good to see Kenny, Dina and Chris Pei.......we were all former members of the US National Wushu Team, good to see everyone and hang out.

Sorry, this has sort of taken a long time to finish up, I have been busy starting up a new Wushu Class at the Berkeley YMCA......class so far has been small, I'll see how it goes.  I hope to start a new Bagua Class for the YMCA in either December or January.  I must say that the Berkeley YMCA is quite impressive....a very large facility.........has over 2,000 participants in it's programs............and there are literally hundreds of people using it's facilities all the time.  So hopefully, I can tap some of these people to try out my classes.  I did not really want to teach more Wushu Classes......gets harder as you get older........rather not expend that much energy......but then and again, in this economy we need as much work as we can find!  So if any of you out there are in the East Bay want to try Wushu or Bagua out stop by the YMCA in Berkeley!!  Ok, gotta go catch some Z's!!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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