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bryant fong
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Times are a Changing

Remember when Bush told you there was nothing wrong with our economy, and we could afford to be Big Brother...................well I went to fill up my gas tank in my Altima.........only cost $61!!  Yesterday the price at my local station down the block jumped to $4.69/gallon.........and I noticed that even on my local sports station they were saying....there's no shortage of gas..........because there is ample supply......so the price has got to be artificially inflated..........afterall the last time gas climbed was in the 1970's..........and supposedly that was because there was a shortage of gas......and that was 30years ago.   Have you also noticed that eating out cost more too............because of gas price everything is going up............and if you go to the malls everyone's having a sale..........they can't even give stuff away.............well maybe if they did that , people might line up,Lol.  The rebate we get from Bush will just pay for the gas price increases.   Middle America wake up!!  It's time for a change and it's not spelled McCain!  Let's all get out and throw the Bush Party out............elephants thankfully are not extinct yet, but the Republicans are!!

In the meantime, we all gotta find ways to conserve and recycle...........save your coupons...find ways to stretch our money............it's a dilemma........we gotta save but if you don't spend the economy will tank that much faster............so learn to spend wiser!  I of course want to plug the local small martial arts schools.....it's still a great value for your money......hehe!!  Ah well, hard times are never easy...but we just have to keep going.  In the Richmond district, where we have lots of business and places to eat they  are going out of business everyday............tho there is some bright signs...........the restaurants just get brought up and reopened........and many new ones are starting too........one recently opened on Clement St between 23rd and 24th Avenue...Hard Knox,opened by a Vietnamese couple from the south.....they specialize in soul food!  It's gotta be good because every nite the place is jumping...........you have to actually wait in line!  Hard Knox has a contemporary inside design...reminds one of a steel corrugated building.....with big screen TV.......the food is excellent...........their fried chicken is excellent not too dry or oily.......moist cooked just right.....and the ribs got that great southern spicy taste...I especially like the corn bread muffins.......they don't fall apart and have a light crunch to them.

The Richmond District in SF is well known for it's diversity...Hard Knox is it's first Soul Food Restaurant......adds a new flavor to the neighborhood!

Inside Hard Knox, you have a main floor and then a small upstairs loft..makes the interior spacious yet intimate.

The southern Fried Chicken is moist and crispy... not oily and dry. Southern style Ox Tail!

Well gotta meet Mark and Cass for lunch.( Dang wat's with the underline?) cya!!

about 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


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english, cantonese, mandarin, german, spanish
Location (City, Country)
San francisco, United States
Member Since
December 27, 2007